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While I was drawing the "vibration propagation" sequence, I couldn't get the Aquaman "Loobloobloobloobloob" noise out of my head. Hopefully I've gotten it stuck in your heads for at least a few minutes.

I haven't decided if Concritia can straight up fly in her astral form... It's not really astral though. Let's see, she can project an energy form of her body into stone... Let's call it her asphtral form. Like Asphalt and Astral? Really forcing that portmanteau there. Anyway, I think she can hover a few feet above rock, like one of those shitty dreams where you can fly, but only at waist height?

Concretia could probably feel the elevator moving, but maybe she didn't have her toe in any stone when it started up. The vibrations from it moving could probably be pretty easily swallowed up by the background thrum of the average metropolis. There's probably 20,ooo people and 2,000 cars moving around the streets within a few blocks of Times Square at 9pm any given evening. So basically vibration pollution would be on par with light and noise pollution.

In a world with actual superpowers, there'd probably be some ISO for naming conventions. Techtonapathy, vibralocation, tremor sense, tactile sonar could all mean the same thing, or wildly different things depending on how many near the same variations there are of the same powers. Though honestly, techtonopathy sounds more like you can feel the emotional state of the ground or something.




If Concretia can feel vibrations why does she whine about not being able to rub one off? A trip to an off balance washer should take care of her problem...


Sadly for Concritia Sydney has the media on her side so when this is all over then her power will be known as Foot Sonar. :D It probably won’t but I had to call back to that joke.


Wow, Dave! You really became super-lazy when drawing Sydney's hair! .. Or wat is just like this before, and now it just because too obvious now that there's no light from the orbs? Also, sydney's face is totally fat on last panel. Ehm.. intended?


IDW’s Chew has to be the all-time champ at naming powers. Powers in this comic include cibopathy (the ability to receive psychic impressions from anything one eats), lubodeipnosophistes (the ability to seduce anyone you dine with), bromaformutaryism (the ability to take on the form of the last thing you ate), and viresarantheacy (gaining strength by eating spinach). There are dozens more listed in the Chew wiki.

Andrew Denton

I think that there might be some push back against those ISO naming conventions; supers probably don't want they explanation and limits of their powers right there in front for all to see.


I think the problem is her being made of stone and not having anything to rub.


It's been named already: Tremor Sense. OTOH, it was so named by a company that tried to trademark the term "Nazi" on the basis of cardboard figures in the Indiana Jones adventure game, so it might not be available for general use...

Sean Christopher Duggan

I was quite confused, because I thought the last panel had Sydney standing and crossing her arms, but I see now that she's previously crossed her arms (the rest of the time holding her arms flat on the chair's arms as if they were bound) in that way, and it's just a lack of patterns that makes the bend in her torso visible.


During all this, has Sydney, as the outside the box thinker, had her orbs spinning at high speed, inside their concrete prison, grinding on the walls? The orbs are apparently invulnerable, and concrete definitely isn't, so, she could get some work done that way. Alternately, get them sped up fast enough, then slingshot against the wall to bust it.


An idea I hadn't thought of, but assuming that the 'Toph Tingles' are sensitive enough to detect a 'ding' from an elevator they would certainly be sensitive enough to detect a rotary grinder at work.


It is absolutely Toph Tingles.