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Okay, so I'm making fun of myself a little with this page. My actions scenes aren't ever going down in the annals of comic book history for their intensity. There's a lot of starting and stopping. 

Personally I think mid-combat banter is fine, but mid-action banter is bad. By which I mean a shot of Spider-Man delivering a paragraph of dialog while dodging a bullet doesn't exactly make you feel the adrenaline of the moment. Yes, it's a simple abuse of comic book time, but it does make part of your brain wonder if Spidey is a really fast talker or if the bad guy is firing extremely subsonic bullets. Like "how is it staying airborne" subsonic.

Hench Wench would either be the worst Super they could kidnap, or the best. The worst, because presumably this little cabal attacking the team would terminate her employment if they all got captured or if she went AWOL/got abducted. Or the best, because while she wouldn't have active powers to beat up the crew/damage the ship/be a general nuisance, presumably she still has that... factor that makes her a super, and maybe that's something alien scanners can figure something out.

Hey have I mentioned recently that I have an Amazon referral link? If you make that link your Amazon bookmark, it will help me continue buying things I probably don’t need, like this sword. Look, I'm not some weirdo with "too many knives" but I thought a sword or two would be kind of fun to have. As it is, I've taken it out of the scabbard a few times and thought, 1) Neat, 2) This is heavier than I thought it would be, and 3) medieval people who actually used swords would probably have benefited from flash in the pan trendy exercise equipment like this wrist trainer. (Insert joke about all the single knights not needing a wrist trainer.)




Garamm seems to have a sensible read of the situation. Let's hear it for non-stupid flunkies.


Hate to see the end of Hench Wench, maybe she'll be back later.

Michael Obert

I don't know if you've ever been in a fight before, but there's not usually this much talking. Lol.


Is it wrong that the most disturbing thing about the lizard alien henchman with the apparent tail fetish. Is the popped collar?


I was thinking exactly the same thing. It's always really refreshing to see characters, even "bad guy" characters, written as if they actually have brains.


The talking usually goes with at least a couple of the people involved doing their best to make it "not a fight". That, or in the 'before' or 'after' of a fight. Thought I will grant one exception - if you have a team that is actually trained to work closely together in real conflict situations, they talk but it is usually very focused on the point of getting through to the other side of the conflict.


Is that the Iron Giant I spy?


Millennium falcon cockpit !


Of course mid-action banter is plausible! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TalkingIsAFreeAction


Okay, I see the Iron Giant (combat mode), that huge golden dude that killed a planet with the Power Stone in Guardians of the Galaxy (can't rememebr his name), and the other one (two?) I'm not entirely sure of.

Jared Juetten

What you really need is a sword from these guys!! https://www.angelsword.com/ They make "heirloom quality" swords and have "true damascus" rather than just the folding of a bunch of different irons together a bunch to make the damascus look. They've had their metal tested and it's far harder than original damascus was. Pretty cool stuff. One day I'll get me a sweet 2-hander from them.

Stephen Gilberg

I first read the LOOs as LOLs.


Did you know that their weapons retain their full trade in value through life, with proper care. So you can buy a knife, then 2 years later trade that knife in as part of the upgrade to a long sword, then X time later trade that in to help get that sweet two hander.


I suppose it's not the end so far, just the "plans". Sydney is still out there somewhere, remember? :)


So... do these guys know that Maxima single-shotted a Fel warship *by herself*, and thought they'd be able to surprise her into stasis?


There comes a time when your best bet is,cut your losses,grab your sh*t and run for your lives.


You know, Hench Wench could be made a very powerful, yet controlled individual with a complicated contract that basically states the contract is terminated if she does anything they don't want her to. So if she signs with a conglomerate composed of all the supers in Arc that says the contract is terminated if she breaks the law, she gets everyone's powers and looses them if she ever breaks the law.


No more speeding, no more jaywalking, and certainly no poorly maintained yard.

Some Ed

I think that's the general idea. Thing is, it would've worked, except: 1. That's not the extent of her abilities 2. She has a competent team 3. She's pretty resistant to mind control, so even if they had captured her, the deal would've gone badly on the other end.