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I would apologize for this page, but the middle two panels make me laugh every time.

People talk a bit talk about sticking a boot up someone's ass so far they can taste leather, but you know what, if they actually did it, they'd probably freak out pretty hard.

  • I'll whoop your ass so fast if you blink you'll die in the dark.
  • I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat the next time you sit on a bowl of milk duds you'll have to be careful not to lose a filling! (<-- This is a Sydney special)
  • I'll stick my foot so far up your ass, Red Foreman will be like "Yikes!"
  • I will slap you so hard you'll be able to get my fortune told. Cause... my handprint will be on your cheek, see?
  • I will slap you so hard, you'll be like "Hey, stop."

What's the best fight ridiculous threat you've heard?




I will punch you so hard any kids you have in the future will piss themselves on the anniversary of this day. Or I will hit you so hard it'll travel back in time and kill your parents!

L Pedersen

"Whatever you're reaching for better be a sandwich because you're gonna have to eat it."

Brandon Pio

Best representation of flexibility/elasticity powers ever


I can't stop laughing. 😂 I'm actually completely dry right now on over the top insults/threats, but I'm having a philosophical debate with a buddy of mine about how to take down henchwench. If she gains power from her employer(s), does terminating her contract restore her to neutral? And if she could be made to see the error of her ways, and join Arc, does she then gain everyone's powers? (imagine a stretchable Maxima that can "clone" herself five times, have the power of gestalt and... Yea you get the picture?)


I'll kick your ass so hard, your grandkids'll be sore in the morning.


Typo on the bottom text? Head/Heat?


Panel 6 is destined for meme greatness.


Taking “wrapped around her little finger” to a whole ‘nother level!


Okay, honest question here for y'all: if she had punched him from the *front* and his face had contracted around her fist so hard that his eyeballs slid across her forearm..... would she have felt *more* or *less* sick?


my favorite, most detailed expression is: "Grab your own d*ck, bend it past the 'taint, and insert into the a**hole. Go f**k yourself."


Major 'Beetlejuice' vibe in that fifth panel.


Awesome job on all the facial expressions!

Town Crier

Believe me when I said, "GAAAAAAAH!!!", and then laughed my ass off.


Even *Max* looks disturbed

Nicholas Grey

Oh gods, that’s *hilarious*!

John Fiala

That's a great gag.

Stephen Gilberg

Hate to tell you, but the caption says "heat," not "head."


It's been a while since I commented on a specific comic, but . . . Why? Why haven't I seen Marvel or DC do this to any of their stretchy heroes? It's absolute comedy genius!


Okay, that legitimately cracked me up. I mean, I was laughing out loud and my wife thought I'd lost it.


The old Duke Nukem, "gonna rip off your head and shit in your neck" gag comes to mind, as that is done and then the animation was epic. Reading the newspaper and everything.


Note to self, Amorphous *cannot* be killed by blunt force trauma... Use Piercing or Slashing type weapons, or energy attacks. XD


Max needs to tell Captain Thong to fire Hench Wench.

Ron Jarrell

Should the bottom line "so hard your *head*" not heat?

Jack Ponder

I see someone’s watched Beetlejuice recently.

BammBamm Rubble

someone just said "Ich kann dir mal mit Überhöhter Geschwindigkeit ins Gesicht greifen!" Translated to: "I can grab you in the face at high speed!"


Everyone who saw that is going to need time to process it.

Merle Blue

That is...uh...horrifying. And also, marvelously well-rendered. I'm just glad I wasn't eating.

Kenneth Winkelman

Wow,….that’s taking a Donkey Punch to a new level. favorite personal threat used: I’m gonna rip your head off, and then stump &amp;@#% the ragged hole in your neck!

Kevin Wright

Dave, you continue to come up with new consequences to old super powers. I'm impressed. This is what happens when a *fan* writes... and it's a good thing.


I'm thinking whoever cleans up the streets in NYC is gonna have a big honkin' stinkin' mess to clean up, cuz there's got to be a big crowd watching this fight, and a large percentage of them just woofed their cookies! O.o


I'm looking forward to the next comic where she is fired and all of her powers go away. :)

Jeffrey Nonken

"I'm gonna pull your lungs out through your nostrils."


"What are you lookin' at? I'm gonna click you in your eye!" Had me in tears. I dunno why. I heard a small fry with Napoleon complex say this to a jock in my English class in high school. "Touch my shoulder again and feel death. Touch me anywhere else and you'll wish for it." - My tae-kwon-do-brown-belt-owning wife to a disgusting middle manager who liked to talk to boobs instead of faces.

Bryce Maryott

Just fire her already!


2 lines I legit used. "Dont make me get my axe" and "I WILL CURE THE WATER ON YOUR KNEE"


When she is leaning forward with her finger up like that, I keep thinking of the computer program from the first Jurassic Park. Mini cartoon Nedry saying "Ah ah ah. You didn't say the magic word!"

Ramsey Haddad

Reminds me of Beetlejuice