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Times Square seems to be a somewhat fluid designation. I thought it was just one intersection with a bunch of light up billboards, but a lot of adjacent areas seem to count themselves as part of it, I guess for greater collective tourism appeal. The team landed a block from the spaceship while Maxima hands out assignments and lets Sydney have her little rant. 

This is one of those pages that kept getting rewritten as I was drawing it. It started off as pure exposition, with Sydney asking what they were doing up there, then cutting Max off with her own assumptions before she could answer, but as lenient as Max is, there's a finite amount that she'll let subordinates run roughshod over her. Also, it wouldn't make any sense that Max wouldn't have told them by now, so Sydney is just venting. Yes, most commanders probably wouldn't put up with that either, and while Max could be a hardass about it, she's content to just let Sydney vent for like 50 seconds to get it out of her system. 

Ultimately I changed it around a little bit because while sometimes exposition is unavoidable, it's always bugged me when a character asks another one for some basic ass information that they both already know for the benefit of the audience. "Excuse me, fellow Navy SEAL, can you tell me again about this "gun" device and how it works?"

Hah, look, I remembered the patches on Sydney's shoulders and her nametag and all that. Anyone want to bet how many pages I keep that up for? 



Michael Obert

I really like Dabbler's dress; it's cool.


Dabbler's comment derailed my mind for a moment as well! (With Dabbler being Dabbler, and all)


I may have missed it in Dave's comments but does this mean all the aliens hidden by the veil are free to be themselves and how comes the veil does not affect the new visitors ?

Chuck W

Hey, there's Sydney's buddy from the space food court!


I think of I recall they said something about how they have to specifically put in each type of species, and there's just too many for that to work.. + I think it was something to do with once it gets to national media it becomes impossible to re-veil. So now that everyone knows about them the veil doesn't veil them. Same with how the supers were veiled relatively for a while but then became too big of scope to contain and it stopped working.


So, in my experience, while military commanders can be a bit uptight in the public eye, as long as Sydney is keeping her ranting on the DL, I think this falls into the time-honored military tradition of "bitching." At least when I served, you could generally get away with a fair amount of quiet back and forth between soldiers about how awful something was as long as you kept doing it. ;)

Jeffrey Nonken

Actually, I don't think she's so much bitching as thinking out loud. Max is merely letting her process it her own way. I can recognize stream-of-consciousness babbling when I see it. :)

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Yes, every species has sucky members. Try meeting an asshole bunny sometime. But humanity manages to suck AND blow at the same time, which I didn't think was even possible.


When I first read it I did not realize that it was her to say it. So, sadly, I was not... I haven't been... I didn't get... I have... had... not got... derailed. Crap. Little help there please?


We've all seen an asshole bunny. In MLP: FiM. And I'm pretty sure Simpsons must've had it too (just like everything else of existence). Not to mention the Rule 34...


I get a chuckle out of Achilles' posing in frame one, and the expression on the face of the one girl getting her picture taken with the alien.


Hey, wait. That's almost insightful. Sydney has obviously been replaced with an alien doppelganger (we know they exist now)


I can't, oh gods I have to say it. Sometimes some little thing just tugs at you even if it doesn't mean anything. US military has service member name over right breast pocket and name of branch over left. There, I said it. Change it or don't, I don't care, but it was like some kind of itch.