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I'm sure no one will be surprised to learn that this page contains a Patreon cameo. Robert Nava asked if he could appear an alien in a Robert Nava disguise, and I was like, that fits in rather nicely with a storyline I'm just about to start.

I do feel bad that some cameo request have been languishing in the void for a while, but I want to actually fit them into a storyline and not just have them walking by in the background. I guess "cameo" might be the wrong term actually. They're more like supporting cast usually. Still, if you're wondering where your cameo is, they're in the queue. I may need to revisit the Twilight Council relatively soon, because there's quite a few supernatural characters waiting in the wings.

Anyway. Universal Translators. I won't go off on a huge tear about them*, as I've done so a few times in the past, but I do think that a society that had them would largely devolve into a bunch of monoglots. Why learn more than one language when only knowing one language would let you understand every other language? It'd be like everyone today and phone numbers. I can barely remember mine half the time, and if you put a gun to my head I couldn't tell you my wife's. 

I actually think having universal translators would actually cause languages to converge in certain ways, because you'd want to properly translate certain concepts. The easiest fix for English would be to introduce more words for "love." It's a wildly overused word, because we have one single word to convey how you feel about a girlfriend, pet, parent, favorite food, brother, mentor, scent, sexual partner, etc, but clearly those are different emotions. Even having a word that means "like this more than anything else in this category" would help break up the love monopoly, but we don't. 

Western languages generally have plurals, Eastern languages by and large don't. It's one of those reasons why putting phrases through multiple languages in google translate always fucks stuff up, because information is lost. Language doesn't have metadata. Universal translators might be able to introduce something like that, and reduce language from words to concepts and intent. Then putting new words in using the proper grammar would become a lot easier. 

*I will. 




Of course then you wind up with "I feel like taking you out for something spicy." as, "Halo and Harem at Lingerie Death Wings."


Babel Fish


I love their trying of speaking languages new. :-)

Town Crier

"English language slaughter we. Yes. Mmm." -Me, in "Yoda voice", to a 1980's college peer who had just done such.


The term you're looking for is "Tuckerization." The old science fiction writer Wilson Tucker used to put his friends into his stories, using their names or appearances, and other writers started doing the same. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuckerization




The biggest issue with universal "magical" translators is that they show folks being translated real time. That's only possible if both languages use the same subject, verb, object sentence structure. English is a SVO language, "Sydney ate the chili". Others are SOV, "Sydney the chili ate" or VSO "Ate Sydney the chili", and rare few are OVS "The chili ate Sydney" or VOS "Ate the chili Sydney". And that's a simple sentence. Imagine longer, more complicated ones and how do you translate what's being said until its completely spoken?


I'm having trouble placing some of these aliens. Physically. Car-wise. Panel one puts "Rob" in front passenger seat - no kid between him and driver Panel two puts bubble-head behind the driver. Panel five puts star-eyes next to the daughter. Panel six puts her next to the son, with the daughter moved up front. Panel seven puts the daughter in back between bubble-head and star-eyes. Probably the easiest fix is to move the son to the front seat for panel 6. Or replace the daughter with him in 5 & 7. But something needs work. Also, in panel six, it feels like bubbles is coming over the front seat. And there is a fourth head head in the back seat there which doesn't feel like it would work - no modern car I know has room for four people in the back seat. Some vans and trucks do, but no cars. Maybe the dad should just kick the son out: "Here's a five, son; go find a bus home. Get home safe and I'll give you a twenty."


Incorrect visual placement. Panel 1 Native Human "Steve" (because why not Steve) looks over its left arm joint to visiting Human "Rob". Panel 2 shows visiting individual 1 behind Native Human "Steve". Panel 3 Human "Rob" is looking down left at Girl-Child-Friend Panel 4 Girl-Child-Friend is looking up and right towards Human "Rob" Panel 5 Visual Enjoyment and Activity Leader in seat behind Human "Rob" in seat row with Boy-Child-Friend and Individual 2. So all native terran humans and group of visual enjoyment & activity of food combustion placement in land traction movement vehicle are accounted.


Panel 6 is probably what's confusing. I really should have had the driver's seat overlapping Eely Dan there in the back a bit. It's a SUV with the little boy and the bug alien sitting in the cargo space in the rear.


Exactly. Not to mention that different languages have different amount of syllables to be pronounced for each phrase and different speed of their pronounciation. English-Spanish and English-Japanese translators hate their jobs.


Job great Jake done by!

Andrew Denton

Wait, is he Sam from Freefall?


To which "he" do you refer? It seems unlikely, though. Sam Starfall, who also reportedly has a face that may cause undigestion, is much smaller than the only alien not showing his true sense-organ-cluster.


For some reason the Grrl Power website won't load for like 3 days after an update.


lol, I like how they're speaking, and also his response to her. Heh