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Vale is by far weirdest character I've come up with, I think. Her powerset is a little confusing, and we've hardly seen her do anything. She seems to be some sort of ectoplasmic... thing, riding around in human shaped exoskeleton? 

I'm not sure what's got Vale's dander up tonight. Her and Max have met before. I'm pretty sure. They must have. Oh, right, back when Sydney got her air recycler thing.  For a moment there I was thinking they'd never been on the same page together, but they still would have obviously met off panel long before then since Deus is supplying gear to Archon, and him and Max had taken several meetings together.

So a lot of good information about people with dual citizenship trying to claim some sort of ambassadorial diplomatic immunity posted in the comments of the previous comic. The consensus seemed to be… probably not possible, but maybe possible, especially if the person in question had a lot of connections and had lunch with the Secretary of State every so often - BUT - most likely it's something Deus waves around when he comes across some sort of law enforcement that hasn't done their homework. He's kooky that way. And if nothing else looks like it's going to work, he can always fall back on the lawyer zerg rush.



Michael Obert

That last panel has some.major conflict brewing. . .though Dabbler would probably say it's sexual tension, lol.


Vale looks like a drag queen in that last panel.


The catch-all of "I'm so rich I can employ lawyers to tie up the case for the next decade, and I'm well connected enough that I can have the DOJ order you to drop the case /and/ fire you" will probably work for him.


When would Dabbler *not* say that about a situation? XD


Something tells me that Vale will get their wish at some point in the future, and that it will not go anywhere near the way they expect it to.


I'm assuming that Maxima did a super-speed tearing off of Vale's leg, while appearing to the mundanes to have not moved at all.


I wonder what kind of powers Vale has, and if they are effective against Maxima. She's not a super, so.. magic.


That last panel looks as if Maxima decided to leave part of chest at home...

Lex of Excel

"But I got the connections. I got the sales organization. I got the muscle to shove enough of this alien tech up your stupid gold ass that you'll $#!& nanomachines for a year."

Lex of Excel

Given what she could do against Sciona, I like the chances of the little clay doll.

Stephen Gilberg

I dunno; Krona might be weirder.

Thomas Dorner

Am I the only one having a perspective problem with the last panel? Vale's boobs are in front, but her head is behind Maxima's cap.


I for one don't remember Vale having any boobs at all. it should've been like.. usual size, no?