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I don't know if DARPA actually has field agents. I suspect they don't, because it's not really that kind of an agency. Someone mentioned that the CDC doesn't have agents either. Most of their field personnel are probably doctors or some sort of coordinating administrator that liaises with FEMA and orders people to set up triage stations in high school auditoriums. But I thought it'd be funny to have some DARPA engineer get deputized to go out and try and wrangle some alien tech out of Deus. 

Chancellor is one of those political titles that means whatever the country granting the title wants it to mean. It tends to have more economic responsibilities than diplomatic or military, but if the actual king of a nation is busy living in a mansion being a party boy, who's to say what the Chancellor can and can't do? Oh, right. The Chancellor. At least that's what the constitution of Galtyn currently says. And who wrote the current Galytn constitution? You see where this is going. 

Now obviously these agents didn't just strike out on their own initiative. Their orders came from somewhere above them, but Deus is one of those guys who takes lunch with senators and deputy directors of things. He plays the political game on a bunch of levels. Having diplomatic immunity is just the cherry on top. 

 For the record, I'm not actually sure how the whole dual citizenship/diplomatic immunity thing would work. It's probably like regular diplomatic immunity, but with slightly weaker "wax-off" powers.  



Michael Obert

A big ol' sneaky super!


That dude needs Peril-Sensitive Sunglasses. One thing I spotted. The plural-possessive of "sunglasses" is generally just sunglasses'. You might want to double-check your style-guide, though.


Don't even roll for initiative. You lost the entire round there, Glasses. Probably the next one too.


There used to be an old TV series called "The Delphi Bureau." A small agency (basically one spy and his boss). They were part of the Department of Agriculture.


Dual citizenship has absolutely nothing in common with diplomatic immunity. It just means that for all legal (and tax-related) intents and purposes you count as a citizen in more than one nation, subject to each nation's laws. Of course, as he "helpfully" points out, if you're rich enough in America the laws stop applying to you.


Oh right, the cadre of superpowered bodyguards.


Did they really think that someone with Deus's capability and absolutely massive resources (fiscal, material & political) would be out in a public setting without the best security he could obtain and an as near to possible 100% guarantee that he and only he would be in control of the situation and its most probable outcomes. I suspect a whole lot of interservice rivalry directed at ARCHON may also be partially responsible for the goon-squad showing up.

Greg Morrow

ISTR that if you take a position in another country's government, it's seen as a positive affirmation of your desire, explicit or merely inferred, to renounce US citizenship.

Greg Morrow

I'm also pretty sure that a US citizen claiming diplomatic immunity won't pass the laugh test in court, dual citizenship or not. Dual citizenship doesn't work as "I use whichever citizenship benefits me most at this moment", because the government is just as likely to use it whichever way benefits the government most at this moment.

Jeremy Matt

Unclear on what max did. Did she make a sonic crack with her hands or something?


She snapped her fingers, with power. Think Hulk clapping his hands together, but at a much lower scale.


Yup. It probably means that his US-based assets are more easily subject to garnishment/seizure/forfeiture, but it's not super relevant otherwise. However, "Cases involving service of a U.S. national as a foreign head of state, head of government, or foreign minister raise complex questions of international law and are reviewed by the Department on a case by case basis. Serving as a foreign head of state/government or foreign minister may affect the level of immunity from U.S. jurisdiction that a dual national may be afforded. All such cases should be referred to the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Consular Affairs." https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/legal/travel-legal-considerations/Advice-about-Possible-Loss-of-US-Nationality-Dual-Nationality/Loss-US-Nationality-Foreign-State.html

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I had a college friend who technically had dual citizenship, and according to him the US policy is to act as tho the dual-citizenship doesn't exist. I.e., they act as tho a dual citizen is, for all intents and purposes, de facto solely a US citizen. Of course, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't apply to someone who was officially a government representative of the other country. Or was legit a global economy of their own.

Jeffrey Nonken

Is that guy going to do a Glasses Pull (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GlassesPull) and a Quip to Black? (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/QuipToBlack)


It's a touch more nuanced. Basically, whatever your citizenship, you are subject to the laws of the nation you are in. If you are an American Dual citizen, and you try to invoke your citizenship with another country to excuse yourself from local law in the US, then you would have to demonstrate that you actually weren't even an American citizen anymore in order to make it something that would bring the foreign nation into play. Deus's situation is different in that there is no evidence that he is actually being approached for criminal behavior, instead, these agencies are just throwing their weight around to try and get info out of him. His invocation of his status as a representative of another nation forces them to get the State department involved if they want to bring any pressure on him at all, because even as an American citizen he is also a representative of a foreign nation... so they need the State Department to tell them if it's ok to piss that nation off or not. However, even doing that will probably flag any number of Deus's friends in power that they need to get him out fast.