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Going to give this a try - copying the post comment here:

There's probably an upper limit to how good something can taste, right? I mean, electrochemically in your brain. Or maybe there's an overload state, once your taste neurons are maxed out, the extra levels of "yum" get dumped on your oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin factories. But probably not. I don't think it's possible to taste something so good that you basically have a heroin stroke. I have no idea how taste works. Or heroin. 

But those mushrooms are "bend your fork" good at least.

I always wondered if Colossus tasted things the same way in his metal form as his meatbag form. I'm pretty sure The Thing was drawn with a pink human tongue, (as often as he took one on the chin, it's a wonder his tongue didn't go flying off panel) but I'm also pretty sure Colossus's tongue turned to metal. 

Maxima's tongue (and lips and eyes etc) aren't standard human issue meat any more, but they function exactly as they should. It seems unlikely that there's some sort of silicone life variant of a tongue that's cobalt and titanium and is able to taste things exactly like a human tongue, so I'm thinking there's some layer of translation going on. Like maybe her skimbiote (a slightly upsetting portmanteau I just coined) has a lookup table and when she eats salt, it's like "oh, okay, stimulate these nodes in the brain that make her think it's salt."

Or, maybe everything tastes totally different to her, but her memories of what things taste like have been changed and she thinks everything tastes like it used to before she got her powers. 

Carême (the restaurant they're at) is one of those dining establishments where the average diner is going to drop $750-$2,000 a meal. If a guy shows up in a 2-piece, single breasted suit, they're shown the door. Deus doesn't always rock the vest, but he's always been a double breasted jacket man. Plus, as previously stated, he owns the place. Maxima was right though, as long as she's reasonably well dressed, they're not going to turn her away.  



Michael Obert

The mushrooms are stuffed with pure bliss, which Deus has harvested from Angels, lol.


I like having comment posted here. Missed them

martin leske

snaaaaake its a snaaaaake

Brett Tamahori

Thanks for adding the post comment here.


Nah! Mushroom with truffles and chopped nuts for texture.


I wouldn't blame her for feeding him a T-Rex round a some point.


I feel like Deus's face was drawn differently in this comic. Like, I've never liked him, (I get that he's supposed to be unlikable), but his face was never drawn in a way that made me want to slap him just for... well.. having his own face. In this one, something about how he was drawn just makes him look like a massive douche. Love the ultra mushrooms though!



Jeremy Matt

Thanks for pasting the commentary here 😊

Thomas Dorner

Mushrooms starting to make you see colors and act strangely maybe?

Christopher Upton

Taste is a combination of Smell (majority), Texture (mouth feel as they call it), flavor (Umami, sweet, bitter, savory, etc) and expectation (presentation and memory mostly.) Smell and expectation have a disproportionately large impact over flavor.

Town Crier

Thanks, DaveB, for your commentary posted here.

Town Crier

New levels of YUM! can be discovered. Most notable, in my experience, is Thai food, and pancakes with butter and syrup (preferably dark amber) with a lemon wedge squeezed generously over the lot.

Stephen Gilberg

Is it just me, or has his scar shrunk?

Jared Juetten

As someone who has dropped $300+ on at least one meal each year for the last 3 years, I can definitely tell anyone that there is indeed better taste out there than your run of the mill Applebee's or even fresh market food you cook yourself. It's not quite Deus level of spending, but my $90 steaks prepared just right are the best I've ever had, especially when paired with an Orin Swift red wine. Excuse me while I salivate a bit...


Noticed that the art has changed. It seems like the scar is not as exaggerated. Comics tend to be more perception filtered. You are going to look at the scar so it becomes an important part of how you draw the character. This seems more detailed, so you are left to do your own filtering in your own brain.

Lex of Excel

Yeesh, this guy is the friggin' most, isn't he? Just get the info from him along with the food he's paying for, Max.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Crab-stuffed mushrooms are my absolute favorite, ever. Unfortunately I've only had them once. :(


Given Deus appetite I'm afraid of the snake in the Mushroom/badger pun.