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Michael Obert

Adorable Anvil is the best!


That tongue makes me need some private time.


Imagine Halo trying to shoulder throw Dabbler


...... Do I dare ask what those two little glowing spots on Dabbler’s tongue are?

Paul Gabbard

I'll be in my bunk


Regulation style is khaki kevlar-woven and can be used as a slingshot in a pinch.

Dark Kuno

her tongue is pierced. Those are the two "gold" studs she's always had.

Town Crier

DaveB, please google US Military Officer Mess Dress before you finally commit. We do not do capes.

Jeremy Matt

@Michael devor maybe not at mess, but if you've got a spare $650 you can wear one in the evening 😉 https://www.marineshop.net/male-boat-cloak-501730

Jeremy Matt

Hey Dave, any chance you can start including the text discussion you add to the web version here? Otherwise I end up reading the comic here and then going over to the website to read the discussion. Very much #FirstWorldProblems, but still a bit of an annoyance.

Stephen Gilberg

I still don't understand why Anvil is doing this. Deus is a creep at best.

Town Crier

Trust the Marines to ensure that future supers can get sucked into jet engines. (j/k)

Stefan J Neylon

I should of figured she would have a tongue that long.


My guess is that Anvil has a big debt she's paying back this way? Possibly related to how she got her powers, possibly something else?

Town Crier

Either lost a bet, or trying to win a bet, is my guess. I lean toward the latter.

Lex of Excel

It's getting on my nerves, too. Even discounting the "Jim Moriarty" vibes that Deus gives off, it seems like he's being used as a proxy for the actual argument. Anvil saying that Max needs to stop being stodgy if she's unwilling to date someone based on superficial qualities; Max saying she's not like their other co-workers who will seemingly bed anyone with a nice smile and a box of chocolates.

Lex of Excel

"Sex and the City" style discussions aside, I really like Max's mess dress. Also, capes are cool. Especially the kind you can dramatically toss away.

Erin Palette

I want more Anvil-Dabbler interactions like this. Hilarious!

Joseph Bonnar

Dabbler looks entirely too happy for ANYBODY'S comfort.

Merle Blue

Did, uh, did Dabbler always have glowy spots on her tongue? I don't remember that. Also...damn. Wonder just how long it can get?


When Dabbler's happy, almost by definition somebody is rrreeeeallly comfortable...