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Well Human != Earthling

Michael Obert

And watch out for a guy named Baby Fark McGeez; he's a bad egg.


The question now becomes, how human is human? Are we talking, Piper's "When in the Course..." Freyani, use birth control if you're not ready to have kids yet, level of human? Or just human in form but different at a genetic level?


And if the former, the question then becomes, what are we understanding incorrectly?

Dark Kuno

Well given the club trip a while back, and the fact that Dabbler exists (she's part human, unspecified alien species along with a good chunk of succubus), aliens have been visiting and hooking up with humans for at least a generation. Though almost assuredly longer.

Nicholas Perrett

Aliens say, "You have to get into space on your own." Aaand the Senator from Wisconsin STILL says "No" to NASA, "Yes" to Milk Price Supports.

Stephen Gilberg

Cue the Monty Python cheese shop sketch.

Stephen Gilberg

Whew. To me, that's not even bad news, just neutral. It doesn't leave us any more disadvantaged than before.


I really enjoy watching Arianna's head explode. :)


Considering how augmented she is and how much she enjoys following captain kirk's example she almost certainly has some sort of fertility manager built in already. As for the genetics, we know the holo projector can change her apperance completely, be it skin tone or adding parts, so there's no way to guess based on her looks how compatible or not she might be with earthbound humans. . . But again given the galaxy she lives in I doubt she'd leave matters of procreation with the recreation up to chance.

Jeffrey Nonken

Me too, but IMNSHO she has far too little aplomb for a person in her position, especially considering the group she's working for. But it's not my comic. I'm just here for the ride. :)


Great page, but "question" in the last panel should be plural.