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Michael Obert

Finally PTSD sets in. Poor Sydney.


... She taped the life support and bubble orbs to her hands because she didn't want to let go of them while she slept. Yeah, she needs someone to talk to.

Nicholas Perrett

...okay. Archon needs to call in the psych staff that no superhero or sci-fi setting seems to have unless they're dystopias where the damn shrinks are mind controlling people; "Okay doc, I'm fifty-three days in the future and have PTSD from having to fight my way back from being stranded in a scorched wasteland full of Kaiju on the far side of the galaxy. What's your prescription; pills, electroshock, being harangued by Tom Cruise?" SERIOUSLY? SHE DOESN'T GET PSYCH LEAVE DESPITE HAVING BEEN FREAKING MARK WATNEY'D?


I know getting back to a regular routine is a good thing, but so is having a sound mind, I would have thought that a Psych Evaluation would have been first on the list after the debrief. I know that everyone else is leagues away from her as far as experience is concerned but still are they not seeing a potential problem?


Completely understandable she's be through far worse than the traumas I've experienced and I still have nights like that from time to time.


Most of the later Star Treks as well as Atlantis series made a point of shrink/talk too sessions from time to time. :)


a) hope that's the fresh air orb.


b) I think that's not a double resolution version.


I thought the orbs shut down when Sidney was asleep ?


Hard to say wether she actually had to keep them taped to her hands or if they would have just Stayed active while she was in outer space as a safety feature, not like she'd have the ability to test that without... well, welcome to apeture science; We do what we must, because we can... For the sake of all of us (except the ones who are dead).

Stephen Gilberg

I think Sydney missed an "if" in panel 7.


Nah. Read it again. It does make sense. Maybe Dave fixed whatever you saw another way, because I can't see a place an "if" would fit... {edit} In fact, comparing this current version with the preview pic in my inbox, I see he added a "though". So, my apologies - good catch!

Dark Kuno

They are still treating it like it's been 2 months, but it hasn't for her due to the time dilation apparently caused by actually using the causeway it's still only been 2-3 days. They are definitely rushing this more than they should be given the circumstances.


Odd she felt safer on a star ship with aliens she'd never met before (IE didn't sleep in a security bubble) than she did in her room at Archon. Or maybe not weird, just Sydney.


Sadly, many people in dire need of PTSD counseling don't know they need it, or flatly refuse to admit there's a problem. The Sydney's are a rarity.

Nicholas Grey

Probably *because* it was a ship - it was completely enclosed. The existence of 'outside' may be too close to the reminder of 'void' for Sydney at the moment. I'm glad the artist is addressing this.

Marc Vun Kannon

Love Peggy's face, especially panel 2.