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Ooookay, she's got Narcotic Touch-powers. Interesting.

Michael Obert

Ecstasy touch power: ACTIVATE!


One thing a dilated iris can indicate is sexual arousal...


I wonder if she is related to another touch based super.


So does this mean escorpia had that power and sciona got access by taking her body or did she awaken it. Also damn.. If the first, then maxima best not die any time soon. Heh

Dark Kuno

is also a common physical response to using LSD, Coke, amphetamines X and other narcotic or psychotropic drugs. which given the sparkly substance she seems to be exuding from this newly possessed body, seems to be the more logical option.


This gets me thinking about Varia and her power. What if ,and this is only a guess, that while she is contact with Sydney that she can use an additional Orb/Sphere/Ball

Some Ed

This and many other possibilities were discussed over on https://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/comic/grrl-power-324-she-should-put-all-those-answers-on-a-shirt/. I assume they could come up with a viable way to maintain skin contact without using hands, they get to use a total of four orbs. That having been said, it could be that the inner ring of Halo's skill tree determines the number of orbs that can be in use at one time, which if I recall correctly would set it to two right now. Or it could be that inner circle, in which case it would be three right now. Also note that there could be some personal contact issues with the necessary skin contact to not use hands. I'm not certain of Varia's preferences, but Sydney is decidedly straight. If they could simply bare a forearm each and strap their forearms together so they don't accidentally separate, that's merely hilarity regarding coordination issues. But if the contact needs to be more intimate than that, it could be a no go, which would then probably limit to three.