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Hello Patrons,

Happy New Year! 2020 is looking to be an extremely busy year here at The Tank Museum. The first phase of the new WW2 exhibition is currently under construction, which will include six new exhibition films and four soundscapes all being produced in house. We are currently working on the final tweaks before these are installed into the exhibition. We are also planning how we can seamlessly incorporate the new exhibition into the Museum's advert, which uses a drone and a gimbal to create the illusion of a continuous walk through of the Museum. 

Alongside this, Matt and I have filmed many more Tank Chats with David Fletcher in the Vehicle Conservation Centre on the Irish Leyland, Centaur Land Rover and the Crossley 4X4, which will be researched and edited later this year. We have also filmed an interview for the upcoming Tank Workshop Diaries episode scheduled to come out in February.

The Tank Museum staff are moving to newly built offices next month, meaning our vast amount of film, photography and editing equipment will need to be packed up and moved across the site to our new design office. I am currently editing a behind the scenes video for you all, which will give you an insight into some of the equipment we use when creating content such as Tank Chats, Top 5 Tanks and Tank Workshop Diaries, and maybe a sneak peak into our new office.

Thank you for all your continued Patreon support. You not only fund my film making internship but also Aaron's Workshop apprenticeship. We are both very grateful for this opportunity!




Robert Sanges

LOL, Rearrange nearly every tank in the WWII exhibit hall... "Ok, we can do that." Move David's office to a new building... "Too much work!"

Aaron Lee Earle

The new design concept looks stunning. In a few months time when everything is settled and we're streaming in, you'll feel very proud!