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Hello friends! I want to share some major aspects on my path I faced in the past year since I went public, which relates to our relationship with the 'Third Factor', friendship, and following the 'Being'.

Ego and thought patterns are fixed. But life is not fixed; it is entirely new every day and in each moment. Every day, there are new forces and energies in the world, our immediate environment, and within us. The brain may come up with excellent solutions to today's challenges, but that doesn't mean those solutions will work for tomorrow. Therefore, cling to nothing. Never think, "I must always do this practice because it worked well yesterday", or "This will only give results if I do it like this" - this is how we become mechanical in practice. So the primary approach is always first connecting to the Being and remaining open from there in "the here and now". In this way, we actually pay attention to Reality and can better perceive 'Right Action' in any given situation.

I share this because I had a strong inner conflict over the past year with something in which I felt very rigid and fixed. I started to walk an inward path of "seeking" 12 years ago; I became extremely introverted, a true hermit, always walking by myself, never going out to see people and enjoying myself immensely in solitude with God... this worked. I developed a lot and had many experiences. Four years later, I found Gnosis, and I became even more solitary, cutting myself off from the world in any way I could with this new and immense teaching. I believed this was the correct thing to do.

6-7 years later, I started to have a lot of conflicts and fewer experiences. Something was not being fulfilled. In short, due to many signs and a lot of struggles, I became more active in helping others and being more social - this was totally against my rigidness and belief about the best way to awaken consciousness. My ego said, "Why would I want to talk about things to others? They will find their way. People barely understand anyway. It's a waste of energy. I should only look within. My own connection to God is all that matters". I was attached to this way of being and thought this was the best way to pursue truth. After a lot of battle with my ego, I can now say I understand the third factor of 'sacrifice for others' much better, and I've learned more than I ever thought was possible than just being a hermit in a cave... I learned how to put my pride aside and "find myself in others". I would have never realized this if I had stayed stubbornly rigid and closed off to the world. It also truly makes a world of difference to have friends on the path and connect with others such as in this group - people which are so rare to find. I would have never found such people if I didn't let my Being rule over my ego.

So friends, stay open each day! There are infinite possibilities! Let the magic of this moment talk to you in any way you can hear it! And most of all, kill the ego because it doesn't know what's best for you! Only the Being knows! Sending you all lots of fire of renewal today and forever ~ INRI ~ "Ignis Natura Renovatur Integram" – Fire Unceasingly Renews Nature! 🔥

"We must cultivate FRIENDSHIP, SINCERITY, LOVE, because in the perfume of friendship and the fragrance of sincerity, which are based on love, germinate the most beautiful flowers of the Spirit." — Samael Aun Weor


Forrest Crain

Beautiful message man it wonderful to connect with others on the path of the razors edge 🕊️🗡️

Crystal White

Thank you for sharing! Wonderful insight. I like your style of writing and think that you teach well.