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A spiritual aspirant's home should be their refuge and safe place in which they feel completely at ease and inspired to continue their journey of life. It should be filled with delicious foods, words of love, beautiful music, pleasant smells, objects of art, and cleanliness throughout. If you don't feel that your home is set up in that way, you may want to consider creating a more positively charged atmosphere in your home; for ~ As Above, So Below ~ such vibrations penetrate into the other worlds, and can attract the same level of energies to and from wherever you are. This is just one reason why we may also attract negative energies into our homes, hence why there's the common question of how we can best protect ourselves from 'negative' experiences.

It’s essential to understand that the best form of protection comes from a level of consciousness that naturally emanates universal understanding and unconditional love for all beings, where fear is far from your natural state. This is developed by constant practice towards the awakening of consciousness. This, of course, is not always achievable and as well as what's mentioned above of how we should keep our homes, there are other things we can do to help ourselves along the process of being guided and protected. There are many ways to understand how this works; whether you see this guidance and protection as being from beyond yourself or within yourself, we can truly attract such energy into our lives.

A powerful way to keep your home protected and full of positive energy is by keeping an altar, not just keeping it, but maintaining it daily; offering prayers, burning incense, lighting candles, and doing anything else to help you feel whole. It becomes the energetic spiritual heart of your home where all of your highest aspirations are heard and all of your greatest pains are transmuted.

This altar even protects you while you Astral project. During Astral projection I've often teleported out of a negative situation to find myself standing at my altar unintentionally, safe and sound. Gnostic advice instructs that, where possible, the altar should have a square-shaped top to place your objects on. It should also have a white cloth covering it, if possible. Burn a white candle on it at all times, or whenever you're present in the house. Place deities, items, or symbols you consider holy, sacred or powerful. A common recommendation by almost all spiritual teachings is to have the four elements on it; the candle calls upon Fire. Rocks, crystals, flowers, plants and seeds call upon Earth. Incense, oils, bells and music call upon Air. A glass of water calls upon the element of Water. Uniting these elements calls upon the forces within you to vibrate in harmony so that you may become whole and feel "together", rather than "fragmented"... there is also a fifth element: Akash: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akasha ~ Akash is produced from the spiritual sound within you, the silent sound of your own practice, whether it be prayer, meditation, mantras, songs etc. Akash is the element that brings about the spiritual dimension of all the other elements of manifestation within you.

There are many incense you can choose from to burn on your altar. The most powerful and purest being resins which you burn directly onto charcoal discs in a clay pot. These are very cleansing and can balance the energies of your home and body. Some powerful resins to mention are; Frankincense, Copal, Myrrh, Benzoin and Sage. To add, inhaling the smoke from burning these have many proven health benefits, from anti-inflammatory to cancer-preventing properties. See this video to learn how to burn incense on charcoal: https://youtu.be/IAiHEbfnatg ~ If you use incense sticks, I recommend Nag Champa, which are hand-rolled and are made up of flowers, sandalwood and other resins and herbs. Avoid incense sticks that contain chemicals.

Remember that there are many levels of the mind; many levels of the human being. On an intellectual level we should feel safe, but we should also feel safe on emotional and mental levels too, and so as well as using an altar in your home, we can also invoke a more direct form of protection with the following practice. This is especially useful to do before going to sleep, or any time you enter your home. The following steps are not rigid, follow your own preference where the options are given:

1. Close your eyes. You may ask angels, masters, guides, or your higher self, or any other type of positive Astral helper or force to assist you with protection. There are many multidimensional forces which you can trust in if you open yourself up to them. You may use a prayer, here is one similar to what I use daily:

"Angels, masters and guides, please protect [me/person(s)/this house] in a spiritual camouflage that no evil or darkness can penetrate. Cast away all kinds of black magic, witchcraft, wizardry, sorcery, goetia or any other kind of related evil, dark, negative forces or energies, internally and externally, past and future."

You can finish this with the mantra OM or AMEN three times. Do all this with positive emotions and complete faith.

2. Keeping your eyes closed, begin to see the perimeter of your home in your mind's eye.

3. Visualise and cast a magical circle of fire of protection around your house three times. You can use your right hand to cast this 360 degrees around you, spinning your body around three times in the process. Trace the circle fully, enclosing the entire area you want to protect. You can combine this with prayers or mantras. One specific mantra for this practice is: "HELION MELION TETRAGRAMMATON" (this can be said mentally, silently, or aloud).

~ Casting this circle of fire can also be used if you are ever 'attacked' by a negative entity in an Astral experience. I've used this effectively several times. This is why I have no fear in the Astral, because I was given these tools and now you can use them too. I have no fear because I know that I can do this any time and I will be protected. Casting this circle around me in the Astral usually morphs my environment, teleporting me into a higher plane. ~

4. After casting this protective spiritual-mental fire around your home or bed, remain at peace, in a feeling of comfort and security where you feel absolute freedom and happiness to explore during the night.


Luke Paziewski

Amazing read. Thank you for that. Unfortunately I cannot imagine an altar in a way you described it. Do you have some online references? I want to do this at my place.

Astral Doorway

For future reference for others, this has been answered here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/62161173


Love it. It makes sense.