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This morning I was lying in bed and I noticed myself between the state of wakefulness and sleep. I saw a scene that was presented to my vision. I immediately recognised that it wasn't a thought from my imagination; it was interesting, random, and had a life of its own. The scene showed the inside of a large building that seemed to be owned by a media production company. A female voice told me to enter it and explore it. I immediately gained an impulse, a craving, to visit this building and explore it. For a split second, I almost began to "try" and separate from my physical body by thinking about it, but this was a mistake and I felt myself almost lose focus. Instead, I focused on my BURNING DESIRE to find out what was in that building. I immediately passed through the vibrational stage, without a care or thought about the separation process and successfully entered the scene; I was out of body and I explored the building. After some time of this experience, I woke up early in the morning back in the physical because I had to get a copy of my covid vaccine certificate in English since I'm leaving Korea soon. It didn't take long and I was back home in under 2 hours. I decided to get more rest. Something within me still wanted to go back to that building, so again, I almost THOUGHT about HOW TO Astral project, and I again immediately felt that this was the wrong thing to do at this moment. Instead, I simply felt and focused, with all of my being, on the WANTING to go back there. I again went back to the same place to continue the experience. 

I hope you see what I'm trying to point towards here. Up to now, I have spoken about quite a few different ways to Astral project, and there is more to come. They all work. However, when it comes to the ACTUAL moment of having to leave your body, do not overthink it. Remember that Astral projection is an absolutely normal, easy and simple thing to do. We do it every night unconsciously. But what happens when we begin to try and do it consciously with our normal mindset? We introduce thinking and mess it all up. Instead, you should be firm in your conviction in WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IN THE ASTRAL. The Astral body THRIVES off EMOTION. Meditate and think about it; what do you REALLY want to discover or explore in the infinite space of the other planes? Find out, and hold onto that desire and let the burning flames of passion be your fuel and steering wheel. Long for it. Yearn for it as a monk yearns for union with God. This yearning becomes your force for DIRECTION. This is the mindset of an Astral projector. No thinking. Only pure aspiration.

As for my experience this morning, I enjoyed exploring this large building which seemed to be owned by the media production company; the BBC. Inside were my old co-workers from when I used to work in a college. I would occasionally help them to film and edit promotional videos since I was the most qualified to do so. I saw them trying to figure out how to do it all with camera equipment and editing software, they asked me for help and so I did... Later today, in my physical waking life, I received a message from one of those old co-workers asking me for technical help with video editing; to my delight, he confirmed that they were doing exactly what I saw in the Astral. Somehow, through thinking about me and needing my help, I actually came to them in the Astral and helped them. What's funny is that I was the only "go-to" guy for their video production for years, and now since I've left, they probably said to each other; "I wish Gene was here to help" - well their wish came true, I WAS there, in the Astral!



I have a question, you mentioned the covid vaccine certificate… what do you think about the vaccine itself? Is it making us look like slaves? Is it safe? Does it corrupt our soul and our God like image? Why do we need vaccines when we can win the war against the virus only through faith ?

Astral Doorway

Hi Hani. To exist on this current Earth is to be subject to many physical chemicals, radioactove waves, impurities and many other types of pollutions. We drink, eat and inhale all sorts of things. Vaccines are simply more pollutants that our bodies have endured since we were children. In reality, it has minimal effect on us spiritually. Nothing physical can ever overcome the power of consciousness. I have had the vaccine, not due to choice but I had to since I was a teacher in South Korea and worked with children. However, I didn't notice any effects and even had one of my most astonishing Astral projection experiences the day after! Does it make us look like slaves? Sure, but we've all been slaves for centuries right? We all have to make money in this consumeristic society. Does it corrupt our soul? Certainly not, the soul only becomes corrupted through the hatred, fear and mistakes we make in our hearts through the actions of our ego. Why do we need vaccines? I don't know, but faith is definitely one thing modern science would not even think of entertaining. I hope that helps!


Good even tha answer give me a diferente main set