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Here's a 10-step technique for Astral projection. Remember, this is not the only way you can do it, it’s just a generalised approach which can work for anyone, if it doesn’t work for you or you don’t like it, then modify it or find a different way:

  1. Go to sleep as you normally would, don’t worry about anything, be totally relaxed.
  2. Wake up after 4-5 hours of sleep.
  3. Get up out of bed and go to sit in a chair in a dark room.
  4. Center yourself, clear your mind and get in touch with your senses. Touch things, look at objects in the room, listen to any noises, or notice the silence, breathe and relax.
  5. Affirm to yourself repeatedly, “I will leave my body during sleep”. Begin to feel anticipation, or intention, that you are going to become conscious while you sleep. Trust that this will happen, be free from doubt. Rest in this feeling for a few minutes while remaining aware of your surroundings - make sure you stay in a “drowsy/sleepy” state so that you can easily go back to sleep soon.
  6. Go and lay back down comfortably in bed. Notice how your bed feels, enjoy the sensation of relaxation as you go back to sleep. Smile a bit, there's nothing to worry about.
  7. As you surrender to the trance and 'comatose' quality of sleep, affirm to yourself lethargically, “I will leave my body”.
  8. When you fall to sleep, or at any point during the rest of your sleep, you may begin to feel intense vibrations or you may hear extrasensory sounds or see things in your vision. Do not become overwhelmed or begin to think about them; stay in your sluggish state and just allow them to be. By giving them attention, they will grow. As they intensify, everything will come to a peak and you’ll begin to feel a sensation of energy throughout your body: this is not your physical body, this is your energy body - your Astral body. Get comfortable with this sensation: through it you'll be able to use it to separate from your physical body. There's no need to overthink exiting the body; simply float up or just get up as you usually would, your physical body will stay in bed.
  9. Repeat step 4: Just as you grounded yourself in physical reality in step 4, do the same once you're out of body. You will notice in a startling way just how alive and solid the Astral plane really is, and if you really concentrate, you'll also notice it doesn't respond to your thoughts or subconscious.
  10. Explore, investigate, learn.

Note: a side-effect of this practice is that after step 7, instead of waking up into an OBE at some point during your sleep, you may end up having a lucid dream instead. If you do, simply follow the instructions here.

Important: Do not put conditions on this practice. In other words; don't let your mind say, "If nothing happens I'll be angry or upset". Instead, just simply keep practicing. Nothing great is ever achieved without practice. As long as you're alive, you can always practice. Every failure is a step to success.

This 10-step guide is a more clarified version of the one I gave here.


Dale Rogers

Thank you. It's funny. I just read in your book where you don't like giving step by step instructions, and poof -- step by step instructions showed up. Ha!

Astral Doorway

Haha yes, but since methods and techniques are one of the most commonly asked questions, this is necessary. These instructions should also be more effective for those who adopt the attitudes and approaches that I describe in the book too.