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"You are GOD! Don't listen to the haters!", "The ego is just an illusion to keep you away from your true happiness!", "Listen to me and you'll manifest your wildest dreams!", "If you call for your spirit guide tonight while standing on your head and pronouncing the 'I AM GOD' mantra, he will shower you with gifts like you never imagined!"

I'm sure you've seen 'exciting' spiritual expressions like these plastered all over books and the internet. It's no surprise really when we live in a society that values salesman skills as a foundation to its greedy global marketing strategies.

Do people really need that much sparkles and fairy dust on spiritual information in order for them to 'like' and follow it? What happens when spiritual knowledge is delivered in this way to people who aren't authentically interested in actually awakening their consciousness?

"You are God! The ego is just an illusion to keep you away from true happiness!" ~ Funny isn't it? How that statement is true but when delivered in this kind of context of 'new-age sugar-coating' it couldn't be further from the truth.

Spiritual teachings these days are like walking through a shopping mall with all of them fighting for your attention with rainbows and hugs telling you that "YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE". 

When people hear that THEY are the cause of all their issues, and that THEY are more like a worm in the Earth than a God, then they just move on to the next superficial, fake and inauthentic teaching that best satisfies and suits their own proud beliefs.

So what's happening here? There's clearly a lack of awareness of our own egoic desires and a complete lack of questioning WHY we have certain interests. Is it to gain a better sense of self?... or to truly understand ourselves honestly and sincerely?

These 'Hollywood spiritual teachings' are often just a frenzy of ego feeding ego. These kinds of thought-structures are appealing and give people an identification or belief to hold onto.

But here's the dangerous part that ultimately leads to suppressed suffering: the more strong an egoic belief-structure, the more fragile it becomes over time... and so people who consume this blindly become addicted and keep coming back to the same kind of content in order to revive the addiction to that (egoic) feeling. Eventually, if they're not careful, as with any kind of 'consumption' in life, it ultimately becomes dissatisfying and the mind can no longer re-create those feelings from the past effectively, and so if they become desperate and don't realise it wasn't an authentic teaching in the first place, they begin expressing it in their personality and stating it to others in order to strengthen this false sense of self.

Furthermore, if their beliefs are challenged then they will feel easily offended and say any kind of verbal gymnastics or insult in order to defend what they believe in - this is essentially the creative process of dogma... and what happens if the subconscious fear, doubt and dissatisfaction that their beliefs may not be true becomes even more intense? Then they have two choices:

1. Drop it and realise they didn't need it in the first place.

2. Become even more intense in following those beliefs. This commonly manifests in the form of becoming a "missionary" who can't stop imposing their beliefs on others.

If we need others to agree with us in order to feel better about a particular belief, then ultimately we're investing too much of our soul in something we don't necessarily know is true in our direct experience.

True spiritual satisfaction comes from being alone in silent solitude. This doesn't mean you never see people, but it means to be alone internally even when we're around people. It means to stop looking to others for agreements or disagreements about spiritual topics. It means to inquire into yourself the truth, and to recognise our tendency to grab onto fanatical sugar-coated dreams instead of living in reality here and now.



Something I recently realized is ruining my creative writing pursuits for me is in the back of my head a sliver of my motivation is to impress a particular woman. This keeps me in my head in the wrong way and I've lost that obsessive spark.


I also decided to join you after nearly choosing to contact an internet guru for help upping my sexual transmutation practices. I simply seek to have more energy and to practice my sexuality in alignment with my values. This particular guru had some helpful posts about the basics that cleared some confusion up for me on testicular breathing, (thanks for pointing me at Mantak Chia a while ago) and was selling a Tantric Experience. Manifest the woman of your dreams and have full body organs in 9 weeks! Taking an easy path has never worked for me... Ever. I am behind as I am because I often took the easy path in college to deal with my problems. Spiritually, it's been the same. My first attempt at astral projection was successful... I opened a portal through my dreams... And a ghostly hand pushed me out of the portal and into the waking world. I didn't dream again - despite being a lucid dreamer my entire life - until I resolved to start up a serious meditation practice and promised not to take shortcuts. I was granted a vision and now I dream again. I will project when I project.