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A simple but powerful Zen-like practice that I naturally came up with and got into the habit of doing, and that my subconscious reminds me about every now and then, goes along the lines of this:

Come to the deep realisation that every thought that presents itself to you is more or less a dream, and that these dreams are tempting in their nature. This is especially powerful to do during meditation. Dreams (thoughts) tempt consciousness by basically seducing us and saying, "Hey, look at this thought/fantasy, you know you're bored and want to pay attention me ;)"... and if you do, well, you feed that thought, that dream.

This is where following the path of Astral projection is powerful for overcoming temptations of ANY kind. Because - when we try to overcome temptations for JUST the sake of overcoming them, that can be discouraging right? Because you don't know what the reward will be. On the other hand, if we avoid temptations for the purpose of SAVING ENERGY by not giving our energy to dreams because we want to Astral project, then it becomes so much more motivating and fills us with purpose and inspiration to practice.

~ Inspiration is the power of the human spirit ~



I started realizing that I am the master of my mind and If I say "no thoughts now" I will not have any thoughts, I decide when to have thoughts because I am the master of my thoughts...seems to work :) I also do this if start feeling sad about something because of sad thoughts, I decide and pick the thoughts I want and don't want to have.