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I can't believe it's already March!  I don't believe it in fact!  It's not March!  But I will be absent this coming week, and since I know y'all go into hibernation in between content releases, it's effectively literally March.

Alright busters, listen up!  We'll be moving to a different payment model starting in March where membership will renew based on when you joined rather than the first of each month.  So if you're already here, no difference on that.  But it will come with a change in philosophy to releases.

Since I first started making comics I feel I've improved a lot and I now employ more techniques and invest much more time in this thing.  It's made it increasingly difficult to chase after weekly releases, a pace set back when I basically ad-libbed the story script as I worked on renders that took a 2 minutes each.

So, from now on I won't be pausing the Patreon as long as the work is being put in.  To ensure people, myself included, that I ain't goofing off, I will be streaming comic development on the discord from 10AM-3PM EST every weekday, starting March 6th.  This'll mean the only parts of development which aren't fully on display will be the script writing (which I prefer to do in private so I can draft without being self-conscious) and laying out the pages (which involves digging around in files, the easiest, most boring, most dox-prone part of the job).

Also, starting March 11th, every Saturday will be a content update day, where things will simply be posted as they are in their work-in-progress states.  You may choose to wait until things are finished, or engage with them right away.  I'll make sure to distinguish them in the post title.  So in a way, weekly releases are sticking around.

I hope the looser commitment to finished releases but tighter commitment to work scheduling will result in comics with long lasting appeal.  If not, look forward to my future groveling apology.

Aaaand while we're here.  The winners of last month's polls for the upcoming *premium* content are...  A mafia movie parody with Kaisen Chuui style characters! Who comes up with this stuff?  Next poll will go up early in March.

(P.S. I'm trying to get Paramour up around midnight tonight, but admittedly RPC development ran long, so things may have to wait till I'm back next week. Don't be horny until then, okay?)



May discipline be fruitful!