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Hey, just paused billing for October, as promised.  The initial plan was for me to use that time to finish up what I needed to do to start publishing Codename RSE2, but there *might* be a change of plans.  Not totally sure yet, but I may instead prep a different SigmaGal project in October, depending on how I feel as the idea develops.  I don't want to say much more to avoid jinxing things.  Might happen, might not happen.  RSE2 will eventually come out, but I was thinking one more slightly big project before it, where I employ a couple untested formatting ideas, could be a good test before I commit to them with a series.



I smell the return of spooktember




Interesting, we'll have to talk shop soon, you have me curious.

Kishin Slayer

Ngl if you focused on more "small" stuff on the level of deck of spells I'd be ecstatic. I absolutely love RSE, 10/10, but honestly the short stories with wacky one off TF ideas are what i live for. All of it is phenomenal though.


Oh, yeah, I'd be happy to tell you as a creator what I'm working on outright in the DMs. I'll want your input.


I can also provide feedback. just that mu input will be differnt