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Hi! First of all sorry if I didn't reply to your messages, I haven't checked patreon the last few days and for some reason I never get an email notification for private messages... so I sometimes miss a few messages.

Just another rant from me... you don't have to read it if you don't want to :) (tldr at the bottom)

Secondly... I'm once again having difficulties with a voice actress I messaged earlier. She agreed to record the next script for me under 5 days but it's been over a week now and we are still at 0 progress... no reply from her for days. I'll give her one last day and if she still doesn't reply I'm left with two options; either make a non voice acted video... text based only like a lot of my older videos. Which would suck because I was really excited to do this video with the huntress, giving her a real voice this time. And the second option is to just do a follow up to the previous video with Tekla and Tori but I'd have to pay rush fee for MacStar and Tempty, (they voiced the characters) I don't really mind paying the extra money but I'm not even sure how fast they could record it for me, also the script isn't even ready yet.

Things like these can be so demotivating... and this is not the first time something like this happened to me. I didn't even post anywhere else because I was just frustrated over this whole situation. Obviously I will do my best to get out at least 2 videos as always, but like if someone will advertise themselves as a voice actress I'd  expect them to at least properly communicate with the people who want to work with them, and not just ignore them for no reason after agreeing on recording a script. Anyway sorry I always let out my frustration here lol, but yeah it sucks.

TLDR: Next video might not contain any voice acting, instead it will be text based like some older videos, not 100% sure yet. I will still post at least 2 videos as always.
Rant over...

Here is the link to the new album for September

I'll try my best to post the next video on the 15th of this month but I already wasted a lot of days with this voice actress for absolutely nothing so it's going to be tough. Also the videos in the album should now be in chronological order, will try to keep them this way in the future. I think that's about it for now, again sorry for missing some of your private messages, I'll be replying now as soon as possible! Thanks a lot for your support everyone, it means a lot.


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