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Hi everyone, finally finished part 3 of the Tekla series. I'll be honest I wasn't really happy with the very first video that I did with Tekla, part 2 however was definitely a step up in my opinion. This part 3 was a lot of fun to make, I want to say that it's better than part 2 but I'll let you be the judge :)

About the video: I was doing a lot of x-ray scenes here, probably overused them but I was just trying to see what works and what doesn't. There was one x-ray scene in particular that I think turned out really well, the others were kind of meh. I'll definitely experiment with x-ray more in other videos with different creatures too. I also want to include more internal "view" scenes, but I just can't seem to find the right videos that would fit and I'm not talented enough to make my own :( I think there could have been more dialogue during the action scenes but it's just so hard to think that much ahead. In case you don't know I must come up with the script as a whole before I start recording these videos, so I try to go through all the scenes in my head when I'm writing the script and then when I'm recording a new idea pops in my mind but I obviously can't just ask the voice actress to quickly record these lines for me... sadly that's not how things work. So yeah it is what it is, I still think the video overall is really great, I hope you'll find it enjoyable to watch!

Plans for next month: I'm in a bit of trouble currently because none of the 3 VAs I messaged have replied to me yet, and I really need the audio for the next video so that I can start recording as soon as possible. I'll be doing a video with the huntress because she was very popular in the previous poll. Someone in the comments had this idea to save an endangered species from extinction or something like that, I thought that would fit her character quite nicely. The second video idea I had for next month was a follow up to this video... It's been a while since the last equine video so I thought I'd spice things up with Tekla and Tori by introducing a new "lover". But maybe I'll do a completely different video however I do want to have some equine content for sure, I think a lot of people are here for that.

Link to vid (pixeldrain) (it's titled Tekla's Secret Lover Part 3)

Link to vid (google drive)

I think that's about it, sorry I always post very late each month but as always... you'll still have access to the pixeldrain album for almost a week even if you are no longer a patron, I think I'll change the link on the 5th of September. Thank you for 1300 patrons... the number of people living in my village is around 1000 so I still can't wrap my head around that lol. Yes I live in a pretty small village.

Btw thanks a lot for all the ideas that I received in private messages or comments, appreciate you all. Feedback as always, is very much welcome.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day/night!




Brilliant! Your canine work just keeps getting better and better, I cannot wait for the Huntress video!


Thanking you for the upcoming equine video. Hoping their may be some x-ray scenes for this one too?


Glad you like and will realize something with my idea, can't wait to see the result :D . About Tekla, I'm not a fan of this series, I don't really like Tekla's face, but to each his own. On the other hand, the level of quality keeps increasing with each video! And the parts where we can see the interior are just perfect! Take care friend!


The X-Ray is nice touch. I'd say continue doing it if it's feasible time wise and where it's warranted. You really put yourself on a pedestal when it comes to skyrim smut. I hope it inspires other smut makers that use skyrim to be better. Also, did you change the bodies that you use, or even the skin. Tekla's skin is different from your first Tekla video which had more fidelity.


I'd love a feature length of Isran with Serana in bondage.


Thank you for making these videos! I wasn't a big fan of using Skyrim for this stuff before but the quality of these paired with the stories makes them very good. And then adding voice acting just brings them to another level. Really makes your videos stand out from many of the other videos I've seen. Rendered ones can hardly ever compare to these in length, writing, voice acting etc. Keep up the good work!


equine for sure


(Spoiler, I guess) I actually became kinda invested in the story! Tekla's voice actress is pretty good so it felt kinda sad to see Max go :(


And dude, your stuff is amazing <3

Wain Tezak

Another great video! I loved the interplay between Tekla and Tori and seeing the friendship that grew from their shared love. I also agree with others that i'd prefer they stay dog oriented but i can see why you'd want to change characters / subjects after a bit. I'd love to see Beatrice meet them, or maybe she meets with the Hutnress? Either way, I'd love to see more of your characters meet up. I think it makes for a neat little world! And it says a lot that you've got me invested in the characters. As for the X-ray shots, I can take them or leave them. Anyway, thanks again for a good video and keep making great work!