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Hello guys! Firstly I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who helped me reach a 1000 patrons, it's something I didn't think I would ever reach when I first started this page. I just started making these videos for fun and out of boredom but because of all the support I can now spend a significantly more time on each of these videos. So yeah just a huge thanks to everyone in here, it really means a lot to me!

A little bit about the video: My original plan was to make a full version of an old 1 minute video with Aela and some big giant, but eventually it turned into something a bit different. I think this is one of my favorite videos that I have ever done, I think there is a lot of cool scenes in here! The story was maybe a bit too long but I hope you guys don't mind that, I think it's always the story that makes these videos special :) I tried to pay a lot of attention to the sound as well, I think I've improved a lot but let me know your thoughts!

Story summed up: Aela has asked the dragonborn and other members of the companions to help her in a mission but they were all busy with other things. This however didn't stop Aela from going on this mission by herself. Her job was to locate a nearby bandit camp and kill the leader... simple enough. Just when she was about the enter the bandit's camp and start a fight, she was ambushed by one of the bandits next to a huge ravine. The bandit pushed her down but luckily there was a pool of water down at the bottom. Aela realized she was so deep underground, there was no way she could climb back up from where she came. She had to find another way out...

On paper I don't think it sounds too exciting, but as always I tried my best to make it intense and enjoyable to watch! Maybe you'll just skip the sex scenes because you enjoyed the story part so much... probably not but I hope you'll enjoy it either way.

A bit of a rant from me: (not important, no need to read it if you don't want to^^) So I talked about switching to only making voiced videos from now on, at least for the most part, I'll probably have a few text based videos every now and then. So anyway... I have to come up with the script and everything a good 2 weeks before I actually start recording the video itself, which I already did for my next voiced video that I have planned. It's been almost 20 days since I messaged the voice actress that I'm working with to ask her if she'd be up for this next project. She said yes and she could record everything within a week but she was away for 7 days, so I waited one week before sending her the script. I sent her the script and just yesterday, 8 days after I have initially sent her the script I was told that it will take 5-8 days for her to finish the audio. I was confused because it's already been 8 days and she promised it would be done within a week... so turns out somehow she didn't even receive my email which contained the script and other info about the video, thus she wasn't able to put me on her "to-do" list. I was told that she had never received this email from me, but I've definitely sent it to her, I even showed her the original email and said that google may have messed it up. So because of this I now had to pay the extra rush fee to have it finished in time, I do believe that she just completely missed my email but maybe... maybe it was really just some technical difficulties on google's end, which is hard to believe. Anyway, I don't know if it was her fault or not also we are cool and everything, she's easy to work with but you can see that doing these voiced videos can really mess up the schedule sometimes, that's also the reason I'll be making 2 videos instead of 3 (voiced vids), maybe sometimes I'll throw in a 3rd text based video (or just completely go back to text based videos if you guys feel that way!).

Now that my random rant is over, I'll say it again that next month I will most likely be posting 2 videos only. I'll try to find more voice actresses for better variety in the future, but so far I only have contact with 2.

In case some of you have ideas for a new canine story/video, please let me know! For now I have 2 video ideas in mind but none of them include canine, which was pretty popular in the creature vote. Now that I'll be doing voiced videos for the most part, I want to come up with a new series including a new character and a new story :) I'm open to suggestions!

I think that's about it...

Link to video (pixeldrain) (if you are reading this at a later date, link is probably broken but the video still can be found inside the pixeldrain album)

Link to video (google drive)

As always, you will have access to pixeldrain for a couple more days even if you are no longer a patron, just because I always post so late at the end of each month... this way you'll have time to download whatever you want!

Thank you for reading, I hope you'll have a great day!




Wow this was a treat. Minotaurs! Do some wardrobe play as well, you did it well here. Like leave some armor/clothing as it's also part of the characters identity. Like removing the Iron Helmet of a Dovahkiin character, it's a waste to remove an iconic helmet peice. I'm only saying this because I'm subbed to Lustfulluna and has seen her recent vid where her character had that on and I realized how it did add more spice to the scenes. Like when she stars her Hayase character and she keeps portions of her Blades Armor on. Really excited for next month, I hope the VA don't jack up their prices.


I love playing with armor pieces whenever I can, I wish I could manually edit some to have them "torn" down versions or something, so that I could have some almost fully clothed sex scenes too. Luckily I don't really have to worry about the VAs prices, thanks to all the support from here, but I was still kind of mad having to pay a rush fee even after waiting one and a half week... but hopefully it will go smoother for future vids ^^


I get what you mean. Look up Lustfulluna "How Meeting Lydia Should Have Gone In Skyrim". Tasteful amount of armor, especially the Iron Tasset armor piece which is like a crotch window(If you have TAWOBA). Going default to nude is just boring IMO. I say that about the VA's because another artist I sub to spends roughly $2000-$4000 USD.


Typo at 2:18


Wow! Amazing video! Merhaps a source for that minotaur mod - is this demonic creatures? >.>


For some reason my reply didn't show up after sending it, but yeah, it is from demonic creatures!


Interesting was thinking of getting this mod the other day Do these extra monsters just use the same skeletons and animations of existing ones?

18wheels of Steel

DAMN!! Aela getting pounded from behind for 20min!!!! Animation of the YEAR! Honestly, I don't think I could request anything further from you sir. This vid is incredible!!! Will be on REPEAT!!!


Sorry for the late reply, yeah they do use the same animations. A lot of the times there is a bit of clipping or misalignment because they use a different model


I would like to see more Beatrice with more canines


I have to say that even though I'm not a big fan of these type of monsters, I really loved this video. The attention to detail and quality alone were amazing. I like the text based video style as well. It still works and gives you freedom to do whatever you want. The game dialogue is perfect as well. Thank you for this. Can't wait to see what you planned next.


god !!!you're very resourceful. i wish i should knew you earlier

Johnny Daulton



I'm willing to see how the voiced videos turn out before I cast any judgement one way or the other. Could do maybe a druidic/tribal theme video? A faun lady even. Though that might be better more for a general animal video than canine focus. There's Nix Hound models, and I think a dwemer dog model around somewhere too. Unfortunately not a big fan of the video's content though. Minotaur models kind of look like shit (dicks especially. looks like recolored human penis, boring.) Could have just used Trolls, really.

Max le Velu

I may have an idea for as story and it would include dogs for the second part. Arcadia has an apprentice, and she ‘s really rough with him. So as a revenge , he steal a recipe from her secret book he stole, and he spikes her dring with some of the potion one night at the bannered mare. Arcadia begins dancing nude on the tables, and her sweat + the potion makes a pheromone effect on men in the inn. They fuck her and the apprentice participate. Second part, some clients went to look for the guard as they were shocked from such a behaviour. As the guards arrive, with their dogs, the apprentice is scared and he tries to get rid of the potion dumping it in the fire. A massive cloud of sex drugs takes over the place and , well, it ends with an orgy with the guards , some might be females, the dogs, arcadia and some people. Dont know how hard it can be to realize, but i wanted to say, your work is good 😊 At last some perverted and imaginative stories. Thanks