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Hey, finished part 2 of Piper's adventures with her stallion. I want to say right now that this video in particular has a lot of pregnancy related scenes, there is nothing too over the top but if you are not into that stuff then you might not enjoy it so much. With skyrim's limitations in mind I tried to edit some pictures together that I used in the video, just to help the scene a little better. Overall I've spent a lot of time on this, I hope you'll find some scenes that you enjoy! I probably won't have another video focused this much around pregnancy for a while, but I'll definitely have some lighter pregnancy stories.

Also let's just say the story took a sharp turn near the end... but in the end they were both happy, obviously! The mother got to sell all the foals for some good money and Piper... well she had a good the with the stallion.

I was playing around with some of the animations for this video, I decided to mix some animations together. I did this because I didn't want all the animations to look the same in all videos with a horse. Takes a bit of effort but I can have more unique scenes this way.

I think that's about the video itself... I mentioned earlier that I will be doing a full version of an old Aela video, I'm still not sure how I'll do it but I don't have a better idea for now. I would like to finish it in a week because I have to start working on the next voiced video after the voice actress finished recording the script.

Link to video (pixeldrain)

Link to video (google drive, if you can, please use google drive to download videos ^^ this way you can save me and others some data for pixeldrain. But if you are watching online pixeldrain is the way.)

Plans for next month: For now I have 2 voiced videos in mind, I'm 90% sure that I'll make 2 videos only, if I can do them efficiently I will go back to making 3 videos a month. Obviously I'll also be putting more effort into these, I will include more than 1 type of creature in these videos and make them at least 30 minutes in length. The first few videos will be kind of an experiment for me, but I think they will turn out great! Also I really need to find more voice actresses or even some male voice actors... I won't include them in sex scenes but male voice actors could help out with some cool and unique stories!

So yeah that's the situation currently, I know most of you probably don't care that much but I enjoy making these videos a lot and I want them to be something truly unique! Thanks a lot for the support everyone, ideas/feedback/suggestions etc is always welcome. Have a great night/day.




Bravo, just bravo!!! Wow!


She is so beautiful, love her and huntress


Loved the addiction themes in this one! Would have enjoyed seeing the mother or others roped into it as well.

18wheels of Steel

way to start off. Love that position!!


Thank you! I've definitely thought about having the mother in some scenes but the video was already running 20+ mins


Honestly I like the Idea of the 2 vids a month with more effort but when you say more than 1 creatures do you mean she fucks more than one creature per video because I like the Idea more of her building a relationship with one type of creature in the videos.


Well yeah it depends, I'll mix thing up as usual, one video will probably include more than one type of creature however the other one will mainly focus on one creature only. I think most people preferred the more intimate videos so maybe I'll focus more on the build up. But again, idk yet, I'll see how the first few videos turn out ^^


Also I appreciate that you incorporated my idea of sex throughout the video instead of just one final sex crescendo . I think thats the winning combination


Where is part 1? For some reason i can't find it.


It should be on pixeldrain, it's title Piper & The Stallion.mp4


Damn, you trying to convert me to horses or something CHRS? lol Seriously though nicely done. Usually horses aren't my favorite, something about how some artists handle them, generally. I like their animations for Skyrim less overall too personally. Straddling one cowgirl for example. I like the oral and cock worship stuff for suck large dicks though, and the stocks animations are really good too. Kudos to your editing and camera work as well.

Nimue Alban

Love it! Really upping your game here. Hope to see something very similar of the canine variety pretty soon!


some little question, did you used in all videos A-SOS mods or samating more? AND all videos is good :)


I tend to like the simple stories best. My favorite so far is Tekla's Secret Lover. I would love to see a couple bring up the subject of a woman wanting to try it, and the husband excited to watch it, even if the man isn't in the scene. The positions being limited for horse sex isn't an issue, as the context of a brief story makes it a completely different every time. Please consider a simple story about this at some point if you would. The wife and I have really enjoyed your horse animations and it has really heated up our sex lives. Thank You Chris.