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I'm uploading a few videos here just to see how this site performs, if it's decent I might switch to pixeldrain in the future. Uploading videos is pretty slow for some reason, I'm still working on reducing file sizes for future vids though...

So if you have some time please check out some of the vids I have uploaded so far! Just skip ahead a few mins, try to download them, see how long it takes to load etc ^^ 


Will continue uploading more videos in the morning when I wake up, until then please use the google drive links :)

Edit: Uploading the last full length video now, so what I have in mind now is that I'll be using this site for at least a month, we'll see how it goes. Google drive seems to be a bad choice for keeping backups considering one of the videos is already gone, so I'll probably keep dropbox as a backup. I think I'll be keeping the old/short videos on dropbox. Going to share all the links soon, I need some time to sort everything out.

Edit 2: All full length videos are now up on pixeldrain. I feel like it's very easy to navigate, also clean and loads a lot faster than dropbox or mega for me at least. Old/short videos are still on dropbox, you can find them here.  Password: N55HMP (I'll probably remove the password for these short videos later...)



Hey, it seems to be downloading okay so far. The videos need to buffer alot though, for me at least


I'm going to be reducing file sizes so I think that should help a bit with the buffering. I'm able to watch these without buffering actually, it takes a few seconds to load when I try to skip but that's it.


same buffering issues here


I did a test, it works. Both streaming and downloading

Nimue Alban

Streaming & download (pretty capped out my line with like 86 MB/s) worked fine just now with one test file.


How bad is the buffering? I can usually download at like 25mb/s and there is almost no buffering for me.


Works good for me too


New patron here, are the full length videos from before april only in the dropbox folder or am i missing something in navigating in the pixeldrain link?


Never mind when I read April I thought it meant only the vids from april


Yeah that's all the full length videos, on dropbox you can find all the short and old vids, not sure if I'll be uploading those to pixeldrain, I doubt anyone actually watches those


Don't work keeps buffering