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Hi, just got an e-mail from dropbox that the public links have been temporarily suspended for generating excessive traffic. I don't know for how long though.

I'll look into it a bit more, meanwhile you can use the google drive links to download stuff. Sorry for the inconvenience ^^ Will try to fix it asap

Attached the txt with all the links.

Edit: I believe this lasts for 24 hours.



Don't worry. Since you no longer use Mega, I use the google links you send by e-mail.


I upgraded my Dropbox account so hopefully this won't happen in the future. If you're a new patron sorry for the timing! It will be back up in a day

Karl Karlson

I have always had problems with stupid dropbox. I have always used MEGA.. for me they have been like 10x better. I'm considering pixeldrain now because a minor amount of people have issue with MEGA from other countries.


I had to stop using mega after my account got suspended, I'm actually not sure what site other people use who create content similar to mine. I haven't received any complaints from people about dropbox being slow or anything so I assumed it was good. I've never heard about pixeldrain though.