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Greetings from Los Angeles, where I am enjoying a very different side of the world until the end of Feb. I crave new landscapes and often get down under dark skies - who doesn't? -  so this is giving me a moment to recharge and research for upcoming projects, which I will be revealing very soon. I am staying in a cute bungalow apartment where Walt Disney housed his writers!

Here are two new watercolours which I finished just before I flew. I am developing new techniques using masking fluid and more saturated colours, and been looking at centaurs, donkeys and amniotic sacs.

Also pictured is a bronze crown in development. I sculpted the crown out of wax, and then an armature is carefully build around it and bronze poured, and the wax melts out. Next the foundry will cut away the armature and polish it with a golden patina. I love how archeological it looks as a raw cast, like its a 5000 year old relic.

Also thought I'd share my current reading list:

Saidiya Hartman: Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments

James Baldwin: Collected Essays

Pelé: Why Soccer Matters

Eduardo Galeano: Sun and Shadow

Anne Serre: The Governesses

Please don't share any of these images as they have not been released yet :)






Hi, Marianna. Thank you for sharing your new works! I am surprised to hear your brown crown is made out of wax, and I am curious how you shape animals like plastic toys with wax.


Hi Partymaa! I got the animals from a kids shop, they are originally made out of plastic. I then make individual moulds of each separate animal. These moulds are injected with wax to make replicas. And finally I build the sculpture using these wax replicas and inject more wax in between using a syringe, to hold everything in place and create drips and deformities :)