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Hope you’re all having a wonderful break wherever you may be!

I finally gave in to the pillow after a sleepless year. It has done me a lot of good.

I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to the past few days: making my video edition boxes. The way artists present their videos can range from a simple USB stick to solid marble encasements. It has taken me years to develop my own signature, and it continues to evolve. I have chosen custom engraved wooden boxes with hand cut foam inserts. A hard drive fits into the box on which a vinyl print of the film still is fixed. On the drive are the film files, press images and an installation manual. An authentication certificate is also provided. Here is a step-by-step peek into my over-the-top fastidious box making process.

Happy holidays!





Michael Killey

Please check DMs for my new address because i have moved now.

Paul Ambros

These boxes are really beautifully and thoughtfully done! I love this presentation!