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Natalie’s New Student Ch 2

Story: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/roushfan5

Artwork: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/xchiseaxmargaritax

“Easy Natalie!” Jeremy spluttered in surprise as the smaller yet stronger, very exuberant, canine threw him down onto her bed with shocking ease.

Sure, Jeremy knew that Natalie took a great deal of pride in her physique. Even when he’d known her in high school, she’d spent lots of time on her diet and workout regimen in an attempt to perfect her body. It was a ceaseless battle that Natalie was never entirely happy with, yet the fruit of her labor were readily apparent. There wasn’t an ounce of spare fat on her body, except for her massive breasts and perhaps a little on her tight ass, of course. The curvy dog girl's arms and legs were coiled with muscle, and her 6 pack cut deeply into her brown stomach. More importantly, all that training had taught Natalie how to use her body to its full potential. How to lift with her legs or to grapple on to an opponent with an iron grip. While Jeremy didn’t exactly struggle to fight back, he wasn’t entirely certain he could fight his way free of her grasp, even if he wanted to. It wasn’t often that Jeremy met someone, man or woman, that could match his strength and power.

Natalie snorted dismissively at his protests. Ignoring his protests, she jumped on top of him, using her weight and strength to pin the large dog boy to her bed. Straddling him between her thick, muscular thighs. “What do you think is going to happen when you’re a chick?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “You better get used to not being the strongest guy in the room all the time!”

Jeremy opened his mouth, but fell silent at the Natalie’s remark. He hadn’t thought about that before, and wasn’t sure if he liked it. It made Jeremy want to argue, but he could only conclude that Natalie correct: what could be said? Now, the longer he thought about it, he began to wonder if he really wanted to go through with this. A series of complex thoughts filled the young man’s mind, uncertainty over his desires, embarrassment after getting beaten by a girl, and most flustering of all immense desire. Particularly as Natalie grinded her body against his and even through the fabric of her shorts he could feel the heat and even wetness of her arousal. Not to mention smell it in the air.

Natalie smiled confidently, reading the mixed and complex emotions on Jeremy’s face like an open book. She could see the doubt in his eyes, and briefly wondered if the right thing to do would be to slow down, and give Jeremy a chance to figure things out. But she quickly decided against it. Natalie could remember helping her little sister transition to a woman and all the self-doubts that had plagued her at the time. In the end, though, Natalie had pushed her through it and all of Maddie’s hopes and dreams had come true. Natalie was both happy and proud to have been there to be the gentle yet unyielding push Maddie had needed. After all, some of the most important decisions in life could be filled with doubts. Every so often, you just needed to learn how to ignore the voices in the back of your head and push through. Or at least have a good friend to shut them up for you! Besides, if Jeremy went through with the transformation and discovered he didn’t like life as a woman, he could always change back. With Jeremy starting to falter, Natalie knew she needed to act fast to keep him on track. Maybe if she made the whole thing sexier, she could take his mind off his doubts. Luckily, Natalie was excellent at making things hotter! And as the gears started spooling up in her kinky brain, an idea burst to life.

Without hesitation, she snapped her fingers and leapt from the bed and started running for the closet. It happened so quickly Jeremy blinked twice in shock, trying to figure out what had happened. Still confused, he noted the exited smile crossing her muzzle, making him feel a little uneasy. It was clear she had a plan in mind, but what? “I’ll be right back!” Was all she offered in expiation, quickly strutting across the room with a sexy, energetic bop of her hips.

“I’ll be here, I guess!” Jeremy called out sarcastically, still laying on his back, he turned his head and watched as she nearly sprinted across the room. He had to admit, while he wasn’t sure if he hated to watch her go, he did certainly love to watch her leave! Her retreating ass and sexy sway made for a lovely view as Natalie approached and then flung open the door to her closet. She was so exuberant in flinging open her door, Jeremy expected the handle to leave a hole in her bedroom’s drywall. He winced on behalf of her landlord as he watched the curvaceous canine completely disappeared into what seemed like an entire different room. His eyebrow shot up. How big could her closet be in this tiny apartment?

Big. Massive, in fact.

Natalie’s closet was a wonderland that the term ‘walk in’ failed to do justice, at least for any fashionista like herself. It was ginormous, not ‘just for an apartment’ but by any standard. In fact, the sheer size and Natalie anal origination habit meant it felt more like a clothes store than someone’s closet. It was even competed with a dressing room, just in case any of her friends turned out to be shy and didn’t want to bear their bare body in front of others. Her boss, Brittany, had helped in the construction by lending some of her magical abilities. But it was mostly Natalie, years worth of collecting, that would have made the closet the envy of even the most clothing obsessed pop starlet or Hollywood Queen. Natalie had outfits for all four seasons, everything raging from the formal evening gowns worth thousands of dollars to the most casual, one might even say ‘ratty’ of sleep wear. Lots of the clothing was old, such as her cheerleader outfit from middle school, or technically not even her clothes. An entire rack out outfits was actually her sister’s old clothing, which neither sister could fit anymore, from before Maddie had transition and crossdressing was still just her hobby. All kept purely for sentimental reasons.

Natalie was very proud of it, but her real treasure trove was towards the back of the closet. Behind the racks, fit to burst with clothing, was an old black trunk with a faded Hogwarts logo embossed on the lid. It was styled to look like one of the trunks the Harry Potter characters used when commuting between home and school. It had been a present on her eighth birthday, back when she was a massive fan of the Harry Potter franchise. Since then, she’d used it for the safe keeping of things that held immense personal importance if little monetary value. Stuff like old family pictures that were faded, torn, or otherwise not fit to display, but Natalie considered too meaningful to be thrown away. Other nicknacks of nostalgia filled the trunk, such as her very first, very broken cell phone. A pink razor she’d inherited from her mother, all the way back when the first iPhone came out. It didn’t even turn on anymore, but just looking at it brought back warm, fuzzy memories of childhood. There was also a few much more valuable things she probably should have a better place for, such as her birth certificate and social security card, but the real treasure Natalie was after in that moment was magic.

The trunk, perhaps fitting so given it was ‘wizards’ trunk, was also where Natalie stored her stockpile of magical potions. She considered her elixir supply to be fairly impressive, given it had all been accumulated only in the few short months since she’d started working for Lewd Brews. Truthfully, Natalie wasn’t sure how Brittany turned a profit! It seemed like the magical husky threw out as much Lewd Brews stock as she actually sold. She was hardly complaining, however, because it was good to have such a well stocked collection of elixirs on hand. She truly didn’t know when a penis growth potion, in case one of the ‘studs’ she brought home turned out to not quite measure up downstairs, would come in handy. There was also a breast growth brew, usually lended to friends less ‘gifted’ in their shirts, but even Natalie with her enormous breasts found I found it fun to pump her chest even larger for an afternoon now and again. Not to mention, there was a slew of gender-bending potions, of course. Handy for when one of your girlfriends was an in a bit of a rut and needed your help… or if an old high school friend wanted you to take his manhood away. And all of that was just scraping the surface, Natalie believed she owned the entire Lewd Brews catalogue as well as a few potions not available to the public. There was so much in her trunk, Natalie often forgot all the potions she had on hand! She also hadn’t found a good way to keep them organized yet, and it could take a while to find what she was looking for. So, she quickly dropped to her knees and started rummaging through the chest with a particular brew in mind. It took a while, and she feared that Jeremy would get cold feet and leave before she could find it. Finally, she found it towards the bottom of the pile.

“Ah, ah!” She called out with excitement, shouting so loud that Jeremy could hear her echoing voice from outside the cavernous closet. Natalie inspected the potion closely: it had been rolling around the bottom of her trunk for some time. The bottle was dusty and the label starting to peel, but it still looked intact: Succubus Drought. It bestowed on any woman the ability to drain a man of his masculinity: shrinking his manhood into nothingness and, if she wanted, keep it for herself. Natalie was far from a Domme, or a sub for that matter. While she wasn’t adversed to getting kinky in the bedroom, especially if it was something her partner enjoyed, she didn’t exactly seek out any BDSM shit. She branded herself more of a good old fashioned ‘cum slut’ who would do anything to make the white stuff fly, and as much of it as possible. So, while she’d always been curious about the kinky elixir, she’d never had cause to try it out for herself. Well, if she was going to turn Jeremy into a woman anyway, why not give it a shot?

She quickly chugged the potion down, ready for the familiar wave of eldritch energy washing over her. The various Lewd Brews potions all felt and worked differently, for instance “Lactation Aid” made Natalie’s breasts fell… tight and heavy as they began to fill with milk as the magic concentrated in its area of affect. In for a Penny, a weight gain potion, felt more like getting stretched out from head to toe as the pounds packed on. Still, there was a similar and general similarity between all the potions. It was warmth within the body, usually localized to the area of effect, like a chemical reaction happening inside the body. This time there was nothing, had the potion grown too old? She’d inspected it, but she was no expert in the felid. Usually, at work, she relied on Brittany and Jessie for the operations of the business.

“Oh well!” She said, cheerfully to herself, it was a bit of a disappointment, but Natalie felt she was out of time for troubleshooting. Jeremy would surely leave, if he hadn’t already, any moment now. If the potion worked, it worked! If the potion didn’t, it didn’t. Worst case, she could just use the standard Ex-Y potion. In either case, she was ready for Jeremy’s final ride.

Natalie, still kneeling in front of the trunk, quickly stood up, ditching her clothes unceremoniously as she walked and tossing her clothes into the hamper. Might as well save the trip, she figured. Now nude, she confidently strode from the closet without a hint of embarrassment or reservation. Why would she? Natalie worked hard for her body, and while she was constantly trying to make it even ‘better’, no matter how many guys told her she was perfect, she knew she was hot as fuck. And, if somehow Jeremy disagreed, Natalie was confident there was no shortage of men that would happily take his place.

Jeremy was still waiting for her when he returned, although he was no longer lying down. Instead, he was sitting on the edge of Natalie’s bed. His gaze flickering between the door to the closet and the bedroom as if he were debating if he should stay or if he should go. “Sorry I kept you.” Natalie said with a winning smile, bringing his attention up off the floor and instead staring slack jawed at her.

“Like what you see, big boy?” Natalie cooed, pleased that her naked reappearance had the desired effect on her partner. Jeremy worked his mouth a few times, as if lost for words, before finally nodding his head up and down a few times. To say he liked what he saw was a massive understatement.

Natalie giggled before the curvy dog girl nestled between his legs and took his cock between her thin, delicate fingers. He was already hard and throbbing for attention, but she stroked it anyway. Teasing Jeremy’s mammoth manhood with her soft fur. A small yet deep moan came from deep within his chest, and a bit of pre already started leaking out the tip of his cock. “It sure looks like you like what you see!”

He grunted in acknowledgement, staring down at Natalie with nothing but lust in his eye. He’d always found Natalie attractive, but a little too ditzy for his tastes. Yet, there was something about her in her element that really made her seem like something special. Then again, a man loves any woman who’s about to put his penis in her mouth, which was precisely what she did.

Natalie started with a lick, a slow passionate lick starting at the tip of his dick, getting the first taste of his cum as pre leaked all over her tongue. She then began to inch downwards, traveling over every last inch of the thick veiny member until she reached the base of his throbbing erection. “Oh shit!” Jeremy grunted, managing to speak for the first time.

“He lives!” Natalie teased without taking her mouth from his penis, speech slightly slurred. She continued to lick, lapping up more of his jizz in the process, and as she did so she began to feel something strange. A buzzing on her lips, almost as if the Lewd Brews magic was starting to work after all? Natalie grew excited and started to increase her efforts, curious what would happen next.

The dog girl opened her maw wide, her many sharp pearly whites and long pink tongue looking bright, even though the cloud cover was heavy and the sun weak through her bedroom window. It was certainly wider than she was accustomed too in order to fit Jeremy’s considerable girth down her throat. Not that it was still that much of a challenge to take down his throbbing member all the way to his base, burying her chin into his heavy balls. Natalie considered herself a professional size queen, and didn’t care how big a man was. If she was going to blow a guy she was gonna do the job right and cram every last inch into her throat. Ever since she’d gotten her first dildo she’d spent hours practicing to make sure she could give the best deep throat.

Jeremy picked up on the increased energy. His eyelids, which had been growing heavy with pleasure, flew open and his mouth hung in a perfect O shape. It looked like he was deeply surprised over something. “Oh fuck…” Jeremy grunted louder this time. He brought his arm down to grab hold of the back of Natalie’s head, but thought better of it at the last moment and let it hang limply by his side.

As the blow job continued, more and more pre began leaking from Jeremy’s cock, the flow of magic continued between the two furs. Natalie no longer had any doubt the potion was working, the buzzing sensation on her lips was impossible to ignore, and the warmth of the eldritch power had moved from her mouth down her throat and into her belly. Yet, even more damning was the visual transformation that was happening to Jeremy.

Jeremy’s pecs, already large and muscular, were starting to grow bigger yet softer. She could see his nipples growing bigger by the moment. His areoles covering more and more of his chest while they grew taller, sticking further and further from his thick golden fur. Natalie wasn’t sure if Jeremy had noticed his transformation occurring, but thought it was impossible for him to miss as they stared into each other's eyes. She wondered what was happening beneath his fur, or if he could feel his organs shifting around to make room for his new womanly parts. She knew she could certainly feel something starting to shift within her body as the power of the magic continued to move southward.

Like Jeremy, Natalie’s body was undergoing a fast transformation, although perhaps slightly less radical. Her breasts remained the same size, her figure maintaining its womanly shape. Yet, her womanhood was disappearing. While she sucked Jeremy’s cock, her clit was starting to swell outwards. She could feel, it was a very strange sensation, the stretching and growing of her skin. It wasn’t the type of feeling a woman was used to, and Natalie wondered if this was what it felt like when a man got hard. She reached down and toyed with her clitty turned cock with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. It was hard to give up a piece of anatomy you’d carried with you for your entire life. Something that so much of your identity was based on. But Natalie was too intrigued to be overly distressed about the situation.

Jeremey was getting close now, in more ways than one. The lab’s figure had grown in some place, his breasts nearly as large as Natalie’s and while it was hard to tell with him sitting down it looked like he might have an ass that could make even her jealous! His muscles were beginning to shrink in size, albeit not disappearing, in favor of something more befitting a woman. His shoulders had also narrowed considerably, and Jeremy’s stomach had flared inward to further exaggerate his hourglass figure. Yet, with just one last piece of his male anatomy remaining, there was no doubt that Jeremy made just as large as a woman as she had a man.

“Oh fuck!” He gasped loudly. “I’m about to cum!”

He didn’t need to announce it, Natalie had been able to tell he’d been close for a while. His breathing ragged and heart pounding so quickly, so loudly she could practically hear it from where she was kneeling. She was more than ready as his heavy, swinging balls began to retract and then unleash a massive load into Natalie’s mouth. For the first time in a long time, the dog girl actually thought she might be overwhelmed by the amount of cum flowing from a man! But she dutifully drank it all down, closing her eyes to focus, not wanting to lose a single drop of Jeremy’s manhood. After all, the precious little he had left was fading fast. She guessed that his cock was less than half the size it had once been, and reaching up to fondle his balls, she actually found nothing but air. Soon, it was actually a struggle to keep Jeremy’s cock in her mouth at all, just three pencil thin inches until… poof. Nothing at all. She opened her eyes to find that Jeremy was as smooth as a Ken.

“Well, this is unexpected!” She laughed, wondering what to do next.



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