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Natalie’s New Student Ch 3

Story: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/roushfan5

Artwork: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/xchiseaxmargaritax

Natalie slowly rubbed the soft yet blank space between Jeremy’s legs, where his cock and balls had recently vacated. It was only now, staring at the dickless dog boy turned almost girl, that the weight of taking a guy’s manhood hit her. Even if it had been by request.

What's more, she found herself uncertain how to proceed without a penis or vagina on her play partner. Still kneeling before Jeremy, Natalie considered the situation carefully while she stroked her new dick thoughtfully… although now that she thought about it some, was it really her dick or Jeremy’s dick? Who knew cock possession could become so complicated!

Slowly, kneeling before Jeremy with his taste still on her tongue, an idea slowly began to form in her head. She stood up, feeling powerful and taking a much more dominant position, and placed her hands on Jeremy’s shoulders. He was still sitting on the edge of her bed, but she easily pushed him over and onto his back and into the desired position. Jeremy almost seemed to be in some sort of fugue state: either unaware of what was happening around him or choosing not to respond to it.

“How you doing, girl?” Natalie asked, mostly just to be saying something.

“Alright, I suppose.” Jeremy responded in a soft, quiet, far away sounding voice that matched his new feminine body. Somehow this seemed more startling to his old friend than any other part of his transformation, and Natalie mused how much one assumed by another person just by the way they talked.

For a while, Natalie just stood over Jeremy as he laid on her bed, observing him and thinking things over.

The bold plan Natalie had just so confidently decided on suddenly seemed… incomplete? Wrong? She struggled to put her finger on it. Finally, she just asked the nagging question that wouldn’t rest in the back of her mind. “Still want to go through with this?”

Jeremy laughed in a way that made Natalie more conflicted. “Heh,” he said. “Kinda already committed haven’t I?” He said, groping his new tits and grabbing at his own dickless crotch as if to underscore the point.

Natalie thought about it, but only for a moment more before nodding with a bit of somber disappointment. She’d been hoping for a much more joyous outcome to Jeremy’s transformation. Still, the process was easy enough to reverse, if Jeremy’s nagging doubts continued, and he was right in a way. They had come this far, why not finish the job? So, the curvaceous, now cock wielding, canine crawled up onto the bed, joining Jeremy and began to straddle him.

Still, it wasn’t just Jeremy that was getting used to new anatomy. While Natalie’s transformation wasn’t have as drastic, it was still the first time she’d ever had a cock hanging between her legs, after a lifetime of having a pussy, and that was no small change. The opportunity, or at least ability, had always been afforded to her thanks to Lewd Brews and her well stocked closet of potions. Yet, she’d never really felt the desire before, until now, even if she didn’t understand it.

Life was so much fun as a girl, she really had never felt the need to ‘switch teams’. Now that she had… sort of… it did intrigue her, the differences between manhood and womanhood. It almost made her feel like she had a miniature set of boobs between her legs.

Having been blessed, or ‘blessed’ depending slightly on Natalie’s mood, with a much larger than average rack, her breasts had something that was undeniably a part of her body yet strangely separate from it at the same time. Her chest had always seemed to move separately from her. In fact, more than once in Natalie’s life had she almost tripped and fallen when her breasts decided to move in a different direction or different speed than her desired course. With every movement, both with her tits and her balls, Natalie could feel her newfound package moving between her legs as she positioned herself above Jeremy in odor to straddling his body with her muscular yet thick and feminine thighs. It was a reminder something was different, and built up expectations over what was yet still to come.

Experimenting with her new anatomy, Natalie quickly discovered how good Jeremy’s fur felt against her girth. Truthfully, her penis didn’t feel much different from her clit: perhaps only slightly less sensitive. However, she wasn’t used to having this much bare skin, or how good a soft coat of fur like Jeremy’s could feel pressed up against it. For a while, Natalie humped against Jeremy for a while, savoring the soft feeling of his fur against the bare skin of her cock. At first, Jeremy was content to let Natalie fool around, but after a while he began to grow frustrated and impatient as she did nothing but make a mess of his fur. “Are we going to do this or not… whatever this is?”

Natalie laughed, suddenly realizing what she’d been doing. While the movement of her balls moving between Natalie’s legs was undeniable, it wasn’t so much their physical movement but the psychological effect. Natalie had, as a woman, certainly made stupid decisions while horny: often ignoring her mounting credit card debt during impulse buys of sexy clothing, or climbing into bed with a total stranger. However, for all the dumb things Natalie had done in her life, she’d never felt… led by her pussy before. Natalie’s cock, on the other hand, seemed to be leading her. She found herself doing things without even thinking about them, almost being taken surprise by the actions of her body. Was this normal for guys, or just something special about the magic coursing through her veins?

She shook her head free of these thoughts and nodded. “Let’s get started.”

Again, Natalie wasn’t entirely sure what was motivating her actions. How or why she was so confident it what to do next, but confident she was as she grabbed Jeremy’s shoulder with one hand and the base of her penis with the other. She lined up carefully where she thought Jeremy’s new pussy should go and thrusted forward, bracing herself for the impact if she turned out to be wrong. Otherwise, this would likely hurt!

Fortunately, she was right.

“Oh fuck!” The two canines howled in unison, arching their backs and tossing their heads backwards as they joined in mutual carnal bliss as they experienced sex from the opposite perspective for the very first time. Natalie clenched her teeth and eyes shut, embraced by the wet warmth of a pussy for the first time. Jeremy gasped, eyes wide open in shock, as he felt himself become penetrated by his own cock. Yet, it wasn’t the physical pleasure or the newness of the situation that brought them such pleasure. Rather, it was the intense current of magic flowing between their bodies like lightening, completing both the spell and Jeremy’s transformation with one powerful thrust of Natalie’s hips.

Time became rather fuzzy, as it always did for Natalie during truly satisfying sex. Everything seemed to last forever, caught in the moment, yet only a split second all at the same time. Therefore, Natalie only had vague memories of thrusting into Jeremy and her first explosive finish as she woke up in his, now her, arms as if it had happened years not mere moments ago.

“That was incredible.” Jeremy breathed, sensing that Natalie was awake.

“Feeling better about your transformation?” Natalie asked, without doing much to keep the hope out of her voice.

“Jury is still out about that one…” She said, sounding thoughtful. “But you could certainly help me… gather more data if you’d like. Maybe let me see what it is like on top?”

As Jeremy spoke, she reached down to toy with the cock hanging limply between Natalie’s legs. The move caused Natalie to smile, it seemed just like the Jeremy she remembered and made her feel like she’d accomplished something after all. The dick began to stir and Natalie nodded. “Have your way with it, I think it’s technically yours anyway.”



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