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Merry Christmas everyone!

Here's a little something for you all, a, sort of, gift for the season. I really appreciate all the support you've given me over these past few months, and I wanted to show that. I'll be keeping this one just for us.

Sorry the animation isn't that elaborate, I'm still learning the whole thing. It's been a bit of a challenge.

I'll be going way for a family get together, so I'll most likely be going radio-silent for a couple of days, but I'll be back before New Years.

Anyway, I wish you all happy holidays and all the best.




Best of luck and fortune for you and your family — but don't be -too- long! Everytime my Patreon app updates, I hope it's one of yours! Happy Holidays!


This is just your second public animation and it's already surpassed everything that could ever be expected. I for one can advocate that you've truly evolved as an artist even since starting on Patreon and I believe that the support you have offered and given us, and what we've received in return for that support is more than adequate, and I'm happy to keep supporting your interests as a fetish artist. Merry Christmas Redscript!

Jackie Estacado

Well, with Christmas gifts, as always, it's the intention that matters, so a big thanks to you for thinking about us~ I really love this animation: the smooth movements of the brush give me shivers. It looks like it tickles a LOT :D Would have been even better with an added "twitch" to the upper body, but I understand that you're still learning. Besides, animated or not, your drawings are amazing! Thank you again and Merry Christmas to you too~


It was such an exciting prospect when you mentioned trying your hand at animation. We've been surprised by your first, which has shown spectacular results and now you've gone to the time and effort of making another as a gift to your patrons; we're very happy to be supporting you and the fact you've made another to show your appreciation where you didn't have to, it defines just how generous you are and reaffirms why you're a great artist to support. Your second animation is amazing; the details of the sturdy implement, the sole brush, like Jackie has said, evokes a tingly, visceral feel by how well it's been animated and it's also nice to see something tickle-related with Lia as well! She certainly has a way with words! The machine has made sure there's barely time for struggling and I have to admit I'm quite fond of the head piece that would prevent any movement. Love the various constraints you put into your work. Thank you very much for making a gift for us, and all the best wishes to you too. Have a great time!


Yes, I wanted to add a lot more movement, but I didn't have the time. All this was done in a couple of hours.