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I know it doesn't look like much, but it's a start. This is my first animation. I hope to improve my animation skills and bring you more quality animations in the future.

BTW, this is the reason I've been quiet the past week. I had some headache trying to figure everything out.

The big version will be exclusive for a month, but I'll try to implement the smaller version wherever I can right away.

Oh and, Felicia won (the Darkstalker poll), so expect a pic featuring her sometime soon.




Goodness man! For your very first animation, this is fantastic! Animating can be a long-winded process at times but I think the time and effort you've spent really does show! Not only that but you've included tentacles in your first attempt; they can be particularly tricky to get right and almost a bit scary but having said that, these are VERY well done! Each one has have their own path of motion, slick and unpredictable just as you'd expect them to be. It's going to be exciting to follow your progress on this and I hope you're very pleased with it. Amazing work.


Oooh excellent!


WOW! Great job!!