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So according to my cousin, who is a doctor, after checking me told me i should be able to draw normally in 4-5 days. Im still in pain and i have limited movement of my right arm, but not as much as yesterday.

So before all this, January was a normal month and then i was going to take February off, i still wanna do that because i dont wanna take this month off and just spend it not doing much, i dont get many oppotunities to draw personal stuff so i wanna take them when i can. 

I still have the weekend to see how i feel, but the idea would be to announce the commission winners, 2 color ones and 1 lineart as i stated in a previous post, so i can get all the info at once and draw back to back, theres still some time so i think its possible, just hope its nothing to back breaking... please.

But yeah thats the plan so far, i just wanna draw, ive been idle too much and noticed how much of my time i spend drawing, kinda miss it.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful weekend!!!



Just be sure to take care of yourself


Get well soon


we will wait for as long as you need to get better, just focus on healing.


Take it easy, don't push yourself, I don't think anybody would mind if you take the rest of this month and the next month as well like you planned, your well being comes first, take care!

Job Stenna

It sounds like you’re committed to getting your work done this month, I can respect that. Still if you end up deciding you need more time off to recover then do it. I bet lots of people won’t mind having their commission pushed to a later month so long as they know they got it coming.

Gucci Gang

I would just wait until it's mostly healed to proceed, health comes before everything imo, but if you feel that your work is a priority then go for it I suppose.

His Dustyness

Take it easy and don't rush yourself. Speaking as someone who also got hit, it's gonna take a lotta time to recover. When you are ready to draw again, rest assured we will be there.