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Some may have already seen my twitter post or from discord, but from those who havent, on my way to the gym this morning on foot like always, i crossed the street paying more attention to my right side, since i saw the cars were far away, giving me more time to cross, i had in my mind he idea that on my left side it was the same since i glanced over first, but i didnt consider the turn that its nearby and cars also come out from there, so i got hit by one.

It was almost entirely my fault for not double checking before crossing, so i got hit by a pick up, luckly im mostly fine, i was able to get up on my own and stagger back to the sidewalk were some people, including the driver came to help me and kept me company until i got picked up by a family member i called.

The bad thing is: my right shoulder is a total mess, nothing broken, but im in a lot of pain, got some scratched on my face and hand, but i didnt hit my head, i was conscious the entire time and in control of my senses, memory is intact as well, was really shocked since my vision got funky for a good 5 minutes.

After i got picked up i went to get my shoulder checked with some scans, they showed no fracture but ill get a more detailed explanation in a few hours. Right now im at home, taking some meds for the pain, i have minimal movement on my shoulder but the rest of my arm is fine.

So i dont know how long will it take me to recover, never been in a situation like this, will give it a week to see how it progresses and then decide if i can keep drawing like normal this month or pause billing for January and go back to work on February. Was planning to take a break soon but i wanted to use it to work on my own stuff, but i cant do either as of now.

So yeah i wanted to let you know of whats happening, again ill see how i fair in a week and see if i can get back to drawing, since theres a lot of stuff to do.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!!!

Please look both ways several times before crossing, dont make the same mistake as me, it could've been a lot worse.



Hope you feel better soon and take your time, your health is more important than us getting horny


Holy shit dude get better soon. Glad to see that you're still alive


Hope you get better


You are literally my favorite artist. I’ll keep supporting you even if you don’t post to be honest. Hoping you get better and feel good no matter what you do or what comes your way in life.


Geez yo, good you're in one piece. Def keep observing your body and vision incase something pop up. Hopefully ya recover fully with no problem! Get well soon!


Just focus on recovering fam

John Snow

You got hit by a pickup and you only came out with minor injuries? You are built different holy fugg


wow, idk what to say, this is pretty shocking, but your well being will always comes first, rest well, and take your time, and take care!

His Dustyness

I'm sorry to hear you got hit. I got side-swiped crossing the street last September, right before my birthday. Only got cleared to return to work in late December. Take your time in recovering, and don't be afraid to let your emotions out-trauma like that should not be ignored...


Omg plz stay on rest until you feel better I think I can wait for your content until your better