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Hey guys, i just wanna wish you some Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Birthday or anything you celebrate this month.

Whether you celebrate it with family, friends, a special someone (or someones) or alone, i just hope you have a fantastic time, i hope you have fun and have a lot of good drinks and good food, drink at a steady pace tho, dont leave others to clean a drunken mess, and if you have to go back to your place, use an Uber or get a lift from someone sober, i want you safe and sound at your home.

I also wanna thank you all of you for your support this entire year, i personally think this was a great year for me as an artist, i feel like ive grown as one and its thanks to you guys who, with your constant support and participation, allow me to do this thing i love. It brings me joy to see you guys like my work and pushes me to raise the bar each time for myself.

I cannot stress enough, how much this means to me and im incredibly grateful for all of you.

Again, i wish you all Happy Holidays wherever you are, hope you have a fantastic night and i hope Santa gets you what you want.




Same! Happy Holidays!!


Merry Christmango, Buddy!


Happy Holidays Captain<3 Next year will be even better!!!

Job Stenna

That's very kind of you, have a Merry Christmas as well. I can't wait for tomorrow, I used to love getting gifts but now I love giving them :)


Merry Christmas! And i agree, im absorbed into the role of Uncle now, so i love giving out presents.


Merry Christmas dude!


Merry Christmas