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Satsuki is so good, i love her, i need to watch Kill la Kill again.

This one had some hard parts to figure out, i had to go dig the design books of the series to get a better hold of it, and this is because of my bad habit of doing evrything as on model as possible if i can, im trying to break free of that because its stressing.

But this view is not stressing at all, its also fun, i need to get me that figma of her, was looking at it recently and its pretty good.

Hope you guys like it and have a wonderful day!!!



Rusty Shackleford (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-17 18:00:37 Speaking of Kill La Kill check out Rise of the TMNT, if you like the animation from KLK you'll love it in that show. In fact they homage it a few times to https://external-preview.redd.it/-sfg3t2ZG6ds6EjVrqPWHMrhBLEE6hoioaf1JlvmiwM.gif?format=mp4&s=b2c0c11315830361837d910d5e12d7152859962c
2019-12-22 05:41:10 Speaking of Kill La Kill check out Rise of the TMNT, if you like the animation from KLK you'll love it in that show. In fact they homage it a few times to https://external-preview.redd.it/-sfg3t2ZG6ds6EjVrqPWHMrhBLEE6hoioaf1JlvmiwM.gif?format=mp4&s=b2c0c11315830361837d910d5e12d7152859962c

Speaking of Kill La Kill check out Rise of the TMNT, if you like the animation from KLK you'll love it in that show. In fact they homage it a few times to https://external-preview.redd.it/-sfg3t2ZG6ds6EjVrqPWHMrhBLEE6hoioaf1JlvmiwM.gif?format=mp4&s=b2c0c11315830361837d910d5e12d7152859962c