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Hey folks! 

TLDR: please comment below your "review" of my Patreon/being a Patron of me. Can be funny/silly/serious, whatever your preferred term and I will potentially read out (anonymously if you would like) in a video on More Hannah.

When I first came back from maternity leave and we did an instagram survey to my audience about what content they liked/were interested in someone made the point that they weren't signed up for my Patreon because they didn't really understand it and would like an explainer video. 

And so here were are, a long time later, but I thought after the rebrand it's a good opportunity to (re)introduce people to the patreon! (the video currently on my patreon page is from 2020!!) 

So please in the comments below leave me your "review" of being a Hannah Witton Patron. Can be words, star rating, whatever tone you like (funny, silly, serious), say what you like about it, can be short or medium long (try to avoid long lol as I'll be reading them out in a video!) 😅

No obligation to do this but much appreciate it if you do! 


Hannah xx



I got a patreon account specifically to support Hannah Witton and then was like “I’m already here might as well support some other creatives I like” and really enjoy it/ benefit from lots of perks. Hannah’s maternity leave was the push I needed to jump on the band wagon- It’s not a lot of money, and I watch every Hannah Witton video (usually the day it comes out) when I found out Hannah was pregnant I was para-socially delighted for her but (as a freelancer myself) immediately worried about money… I feel good about in a small way being able to pay back for the hard work Hannah has put in to educating and entertaining me over the years ❤️


It's a direct way to support Hannah who does a work I strongly believe in


I joined the patreon a bit longer than a year ago because Hannahs video's and podcast have been crucial to me in my own sexual journey. They inspire me to explore, be more open and comfortable. Hannah is the only youtuber I support on patreon because she is the only one I truly care about and love all the content she creates. I joined to support Hannahs content and specifically the podcast, because I know it costs her a lot and doesn't earn much. I didn't really join for the perks, I don't really use them.


I joined to support Hannah’s maternity leave. Love the discord and early plus extra podcast episodes!


I joined Hannah's Patreon when she started talking about going into maternity leave, to support her. I have been watching her videos for a number of years and always found the videos to be informative, funny, interesting and always including something new to learn. When she started talking about the financial toll of going on maternity leave I thought this was the best time to start supporting her financially as well. I am proud to say that I play a small role in her being able to put out the content she does. It is so important for people of every age to hear. I dabbled in the discord server for a while - it was always a very welcoming place. I just haven't found the time lately to spend much time there, and I don't know if I ever will, but that's ok for me.


Oh, and I also really like the fact of how down-to-earth Hannah is, being in videos with no make-up and wearing all the same clothes. I feel like I know her whole wardrobe. This makes me feel better about wearing my clothes over and over again as well ;)


I just recently joined the patreon this year after being a long long LONG time youtube subscriber. i’ve always loved your content both sex ed related and lifestyle, and i’m happy to finally be able to afford the bonus content!!


I joined Hannah's Patreon to support her. Simple answer. Not just support her work but also her as a whole person. She is kind enough to share her life with us along with educating us on so many topics. This feels like the other half of that equation for me.


Been watching the channel for aaaages, Hannah was the better version of sex ed. Now I'm able to support the work you do! Also, I think we similar fashion sense so I watch for the outfits.


I joined up because I loved Hannah's free content, and I wanted that yo keep coming. But I've also been loving being part of the decision-making, and the extra podcasts!


I joined because the content is top notch! You and your information is so relatable! I am happy to pay for my annual subscription! I look forward to every video and always feel better about the world after a dose of info from you. And I absolutely love supporting people who are into being sexually positive and inclusive. Yay 🐝