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It was a great turn-out at the poll, so thanks for sharing your preference. Very helpful data!

It looks like the dominant favourite is:


This aligns nicely with my recent purchase of one. Votes may have been motivated by my voiced distaste for it's appearance at every opportunity, plus my short video published here when I bought it.

The runners-up:

- G3 Blue and Ice Tower: A great model to study Steve Jobs' contribution to Apple's turn-around. I have a few of these... but... do ANY exist without cracks around the side panel screw holes? Ha! I have 300MHz and 450MHz, spanning the releases, plus the education model, and most of the unique accessories this G3 tower originally came with.

- Color Classic: I have two of these: one functional, one with a messed-up screen. I've passed on buying any others that I've seen because I would not want to hoard a model that means so much to other collectors.

- Power Macintosh 8600: I have only one, but it's my favourite. In 1997, messing around with my beautiful 6100/60AV and then going to a computer club meeting to find myself face-to-face with this beast in the same sandstone textured plastics just left me in awe.

I was shocked when I realized that I omitted the Power Macintosh 6500 as an option after chasing it for so many years! I don't think it would have beat any in the top 3, but a glaring oversight.

Another surprise was the hands-down loser: Mac Mini Server with no votes. I guess the short Patreon video I did on it did NOT whip everyone into a frenzy, demanding more. But, I understand there was only one vote and high profile competition. Many wanted 'All of the above' to be an option, is good to hear. 

As for Power Macintosh G5, I've made a lot of progress on the editing the last two weeks. It is now timing-out to about 60 minutes, but I'm sure I can tighten that up a bit. (i.e. cut out the Mac Mini Server aside. ha!). I do not feel bad for hoarding these machines.

I'll be travelling the first week of March, so forgive my silence during that time. I wish everyone a great start to Marchintosh!



Please DO NOT cut down the G5 video! 60 minutes is just fine.

Keith Harper

Color Classic is one of my favourites but also notorious for leaking capacitors (logic board and analogue board) I would not be surprised if a recap on your analogue board would fix your screen issues. I've done the recap on my own two and it makes a big difference. Hopefully you will get to the CC eventually but the G3 AIO should be entertaining looking forward to it.


Thanks for the advice, Keith! The screen issues actually originate from the late 90’s. I was suspecting something with the degauss.

Basement Macs

No love for the Mac mini server! :-( We’re still running a few and they’re pretty much rock solid. Not sexy…but reliable.