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In this behind the scenes video, I show an assembled wall of G4's, $30 2009 Mac mini and adventures in upgrading my editing software to 2018's MacOS 10.14 Mojave. By the way, Patreon's new look doesn't work with Safari on Mojave - Already?! 

Luckily, there is still Firefox.


Ally Cat

ayyyy i'm a month late but cute!! Classic mac pro forever. I just put an upgraded bluetooth / wifi 4.2 card in mine yesterday and get full hand off support. :) Also happy to hear you got your Final Cut setup all dialed in! Yay! And I know the pain of having toooo many G4 towers lol. I find them like a sad cold puppies out on the street in the middle of winter.

Christopher Yeo

FCP3 was the lifeblood of many a SOHO studio!