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The long wait is over! I finally acquire a true collectable Mac with funds from Patreon. This video defines collectable models (in my opinion) and reveals the new model!

Feel free to give your thoughts on collectable Macs, or if you think I'm wrong or missing any special models. Note: Performa 637CD Money Magazine Edition was considered and rejected.



Welcome to the club!! This is a perfect machine for bridging between modern computers and 68k Macs as well (not that you needed one). Edit with my story: I got mine when a young couple bought an old computer store hoping to turn it into a video game and trading card shop. They listed "Old Monitors" online and a picture containing mostly a pile of old IBM CRTs. They were looking for some people to just come and take away this pile of "junk" so they could clear space. In the corner, however, I saw an SE sitting there, so I thought I would stop by and maybe pick it up. While I was there I saw a few other Macs like a IIsi and a Performa 5215CD. But, literally buried under and behind the IBM monitors, I saw a glimpse of the unique dotted plastic top of the Molar. I literally started Hyper ventilating. I ended up offering 150 for the SE, IIsi, 5215CD, Apple Monitor II, and, of course, the Molar Mac and they gladly accepted. They also threw in a nice Zenith Mechanical Keyboard. Mine was dusty and very yellowed, but in terms of physical condition it is nearly perfect. When I eventually get around to retrobrighting it should look amazing.


Thanks Brady! That’s a great story of how you got your G3 AIO, along with a couple other “monitors”. That really describes the excitement of collecting. I appreciate you sharing that!

Basement Macs

We had one of these in each of our elementary school libraries. They were very popular and were almost always being used. People had plenty of opinions on the design, but my favorite has always been a second grader's statement that it looked like an "elephant butt." Butt or no butt, I wish I had kept one. Congrats on adding it to your collection!


Extremely funny! It’s understandable that they were popular with students with how they were equipped but maybe not for what they looked like. Thanks for sharing that!