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I was quite happy with the responses to the Marathon video. After one week it's had almost as many views as Denfield Part 3, plus more comments & 'likes'. There was no angry backlash although some feedback was.. entertainingly odd.

Viewers rightly made note of The Colony (1988) and System Shock (1994) as important, but forgotten FPS games.

Others pointed out that Half Life was ported and almost released for Macintosh until Valve realized Apple gave them exaggerated projections of sales.

Hamish Sinclair, who maintains the Marathon Story page, was good enough to acknowledge my latest video here...

https://marathon.bungie.org/story/   (March/April 2023)

Although my video wasn't going to reveal anything new to him and his hard-core readers, he still found it entertaining. He indicates I was wasting my time arguing misinformation about the influence for Halo, which I knew, but was good to get off my chest.

I'd eventually like to put the Denfield Hoard episodes into one video with some extra content.


aaron c

That's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time. Glad to see Hamish is still keeping it going after all these years. Really enjoyed the video. Coincidentally, I have my trilogy box set next to me right now. Perhaps I'll check out your map!


Yes, I wrote Hamish thanking him for linking my video. He responded and made a second post with links to my previous Marathon references in the Power Macintosh G4 video (ref. Hindenburg) and the 8100 video (ref. Orwell's 1984), encouraging readers to watch them. I didn't even need to give him the location of the clips, he just found them! Great guy!

Mac Folklore Radio

Which map editor(s) did you use to make Farchie's Revenge? Fun fact: Steve Israelson, author of the pre-Infinity map editor Pfhorte, worked for Totally Hip Software and (when that adventure ended in 2006) Apple, on the Mac OS X team. Like all the other good things about MacOS and Apple, he abandoned ship sometime during the last five years. Scarily smart guy. Actually signed up for MENSA, everyone said. My high school work experience program placed me at Totally Hip for a few weeks back in 2000. I got to sit across from Steve's cubicle for a few weeks while I worked the technical support line, which turned into a summer job. (It was the dotcom bust, and they happily took any cheap labour they could get.) I am terrible with games so mostly I left him alone, but I wished I could have talked Marathon with him.


I had just used the tools that came with Marathon Infinity, which was Forge and Anvil, but I did play around with the earlier tools, like Pfhorte. I actually recently used some of the tools in the 8100 video to make the Orwellian take on Marathon. Interesting to hear your experience with Steve Israelson.