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Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This item appears to be a crystal ball on the end of a short hilt. While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to cause a blade of psychic energy to to form atop the crystal, or make the blade disappear. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which deals psychic damage instead of piercing damage. While holding this weapon, you can use it as a spellcasting focus and Divination spells you cast gain a +2 bonus to their spell save DC.

Foretell. When you hit a creature with this weapon, the creature gains an Omen point. If a creature has not been hit by this weapon for 1 hour, it loses all Omen points.

Bad Sign. When a creature with an Omen point makes an attack roll or saving throw while you are within 5 feet of it, it loses 1 Omen point and makes its roll with disadvantage.

Grim Portent. You enter a target’s mind to reveal every horrible fate that could befall them. Once per long rest, you can cast the Phantasmal Killer spell without expending a spell slot, targeting a creature that has at least one Omen Point. The target immediately loses all Omen points and makes its saving throw with a -1 penalty for each Omen point it loses. This penalty only applies to the initial saving throw against the Phantasmal Killer spell.

Axe in hand, the raider towered over the elderly prophet. It would take a miracle to save his life now. Grinning wide, the brute raised his weapon on high, expecting the frail old man to cower in fear with his precious final moments.

Yet all the prophet could see were possibilities. Infinite futures and options at their disposal even on the brink of death. A wayward pebble perhaps, to topple the giant? Maybe the dust blowing in the wind to blind them? Or perhaps a more sinister means, pulled from the future itself? If it would take a miracle, he would make it himself; he could see his victory was all but assured.

Swordtember Theme: Oracle



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