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A curved iron throwing knife with an open eye at its pommel. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic item.

Hidden Blades. As a bonus action while holding this weapon you can create a shadowy duplicate of it. You can produce a maximum number of duplicates equal to your proficiency bonus, and creating more duplicates than the maximum number causes the first duplicate to vanish into mist. These duplicates have the following benefits:

Attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon gain a +1 bonus.

While a creature has one of these duplicates on their person they are veiled in shadow and silence, granting them a bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks equal to your proficiency bonus. You can only benefit from this property once.

To notice this weapon and ascertain its true nature without magical means (ex. Detect Magic, Truesight, etc.), a creature must have a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 17 or higher. This weapon can be destroyed by the Dispel Magic spell or similar magic.

Many Eyes. As an action, you can see and hear through a duplicate produced by the Hidden Blades property as if you were there. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.

Clean Up. If a creature takes damage from a duplicate produced by the Hidden Blades property, you have advantage on attacks made against that creature with this weapon until the end of your next turn.

Many rogues live the life of the stoic loner, singular criminals out for only their own gain. The greatest of sneak-thieves know that there is strength in numbers. Building a network of little birds, an expert “Uncle” can rise to a level of infamy unattainable by a single individual. A well organized group can acquire exponentially more information, and information is the most expensive commodity on the market.

Swordtember Theme: Spymaster

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