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Weapon (whip), uncommon

The tongue of a Mimic retains its adhesive qualities long after death. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon. It deals bludgeoning damage instead of slashing damage.

Slobbering Lash. When you hit a creature with this weapon, the target must succeed a Strength saving throw. The DC is equal to 10 + your strength bonus. On a failure, it is grappled and can only make Strength (athletics) checks as an action on its turn to escape, as the adhesive properties prevent the use of acrobatics. The DC to escape is the same as the initial saving throw. The grappled creature takes 1d4 acid damage at the end of its turn for the duration of the grapple. You cannot make attacks with this weapon while grappling a creature with it, and you can release the creature from the grapple as a bonus action.

Adhesive. If you hit a surface or object with this weapon, you can cause it to stick, treating it as though it were tied to the surface or object. It can hold up to 500 lbs., detaching if that weight is exceeded. If the object is being worn or carried, the creature wearing or carrying it can use an action to make a Strength (athletics) check to tear it free. The DC is equal to 10 + your Strength bonus. You can release the weapon from the object or surface as a bonus action. You cannot attack with this weapon while it is stuck this way.

Tricksy little things, Mimics. Ended more adventurer's lives than we give 'em credit for I reckon, but this one bit off more than it could chew. We don't let nothing go waste in our shop, got it slobbering and slavering like it was still alive.



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