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Potion, common

This scoop of a Gelatinous Cube retains its jelly-like viscosity.

Gel Layer. When you drink this potion, your skin becomes slippery to the touch. For the next 10 minutes, you have advantage against being grappled by nonmagical means. In addition, if a creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to add +1 to your AC against the triggering attack. For the duration, you also have disadvantage on saving throws against being knocked prone.

Most adventurer's got no patience nowadays. You ever seen what happens to a Cube after it stops being all wibbly-wobbly? Beautiful stuff, remarkably slippery even after it's been bottled for years. Good thing too, cuz I got bottles of it in the back if you'd like any. Call me crazy but I thinks it does wonders for your complexion too.



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