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Hey there,

I just wanted to make a post about the recent errors some people may have been experiencing on Catbox when uploading a file. You may receive various errors, including a 504 Timeout, 500 Internal Server Error, or ID A:FF:FFFFFF. The root cause of these issues is primarily traffic and throughput.

What's been done recently

Catbox has moved inside it's datacenter to a half cabinet colocation. You may or may not have noticed the downtime, but the perks of this new location is it is has 10 Gbit/s fiber. The downside is that the current server for Catbox is only ethernet at 1 gbit/s. For perspective, here's what Catbox's average traffic graph looks like:

On average, Catbox pushes it's 1gbit pretty consistently. In response to that, I've purchased a new server capable of 10gbit/s, with additional storage, as Catbox is also having issues with disk space. I expect this server to be ready for production by the end of the year, after which these types of errors should be less common.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has been a patron with me. The bills are no longer inconsequential to me, so even taking 50% of the bill will help massively. You the real MVP.



Based on the growth trends of catbox, how long would you say it takes until a 10gb connection starts hitting its limits?