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First and foremost, wow I'm over 2 weeks late for the post. I'm actually pretty ashamed.

More importantly, the earth has completed another revolution around the sun, and Catbox grows another year older. This year was pretty sleepy. I know in the previous birthday post I abandoned the redesign, but that wasn't true. I've actually been working on it here and there. Unfortunately progress on it has been slow since I've lost interest in the general design of it (the hard parts are done really, it's just menial copying and formatting that's getting to me). 

As some of you may have noticed, the server costs have increased. This is an unfortunate side affect of gaining popularity/traction as a file host. You just keep growing and growing - it's not like you can just dump stuff. Here are some current statistics as of April

  • Bandwidth used: 198.76 TiB (approx. 217 TB)
  • Storage used: 10.5 TB on Catbox, 4 TB on Lain (idle file offload)
  • Total files uploaded:  3,670,000+ 
  • Unique Uploaders: 215,000+
  • Registered Users: 8,000+
  • Top 50,000 websites according to alexa.com

I recently got a full time job as well, which has really been cutting into my freetime (read: catbox time). Working from 8 to 5 kills a nocturnal person like me, so I pretty much come home after work and pass out. 

I promise I have stuff in the works right now. I've started to work on the redesign again, in addition to some back end fixes. I'm also planning on deploying new hardware to handle the increase in files/processing power. Hopefully I can get this done within a month or two (no promises on that :[ ).

Thanks again to everyone who has stuck with me on this long journey. I know a lot of you have come from other pomf.se-style file hosts, and we've all seen a lot of them come and go. Here's to another year of Catbox, the first (believe it or not) and the last large pomf "clone".





Happy birthday Catbox, and thank you for your hard work!


Thank you for all you do. Happy belated birthday Catbox.


It's been a pleasure


Congratulations on your new job :)


Thank you for the good service :)


Long live catbox \o/ It's a great project, help a few Open Source projects like ours a lot. By the way, if image uploads starting taking up a huge chunk of space, consider asking people to compress them in WebP. The format is not yet very well known as it is quite "new", but can reduce a PNG size in over 80%, without quality loss, and keeping transparency and even animations. It's supported by most major web browsers, but some applications (specially older) still don't have WebP codec. (Even if it is open source). Cheers!


I want to continue supporting Catbox, but the massive amount of downtime is making it difficult to use. 504 errors constantly and it's hard to do much of anything on the site anymore. It's too unreliable for me for the last month or so and seems to be getting worse.


Hey, I'm super super SUPER sorry about this. Catbox has just been pushing more and more bandwidth as the months go by (176 TB in Feb, 198 TB in March, now 228 TB for April), and it's been choking my server. I'm actually purchasing a new server ($3,000~ or so) to add this weekend, and hope to have it in place soon (coronavirus is making things a little tricky). Once I get that server in place, I'll be looking at alternative solutions to getting larger/multiple pipes for internet so I can better serve content. Sorry again!


ok thanks for the update. please keep us posted on that. also looking forward to the new layout.


Thank you for everything you do!