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I have to say the Gotchard Igniter has to be my favorite looking of the Gotchard Power-Ups, since it blends with the Gotchard Driver pretty well. It's a pretty nice addition to the belt. I do like Future Gotchard, but damn did Present Gotchard have to take visual inspiration from Crossbone Gundam of all things. xD Not to mention the way they convey it's speed? Total chef's kiss. I bet it'd absolutely look fire if you gave it Future Gotchard's color scheme. ...Speaking of Fire, I hope you enjoy the new insert song. It's going to be playing a lot, and people are pissed its not exclusive to Fire Gotchard. xD


Lol I'm definitely looking forward to hearing it more. But that is a bit of a bummer that it won't be played exclusively for the fire version. That's like playing Bujin Sword Keiwa's theme when he isn't in that form.