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Honestly there's been amazing tribute episodes, but I feel like nothing tops the first one for me. Magiranger was the first Super Sentai series I had watched that didn't have a Super Sentai counterpart(at the time I watched it). I don't know if I'd rank the show among my top 5, but there's just something about it that holds a special place in my heart. Not to mention that we've seen Gokai changes before(in fact they've turned into them before!), so seeing them use the morph sequence for Magiranger was completely unexpected but VERY much welcomed. Not to mention bringing out the Magiranger theme from the show itself... It was AWESOME. Like Kamen Rider Decade came out around Shinkenger, and while there's so much AWESOME fanservice for the Heisei rider series up until that point...It disappointed me that they didn't use the music or insert themes much from the other Rider shows, if at all. So hearing the Magiranger theme just got me super nostalgic. It hits SO good. But here's a fact for you... The original plan for the show was that a select FEW teams would get a bombastic tribute like this. Only a few teams were getting Zords based on them(Edit: And it still ended up being the case even after all the cameos they got later.), and I have a feeling the rest would rely on whether or not people wanted to come back for the price offered. However due to a certain disaterous Tsunami... Well, a lot of people wanted to do their part to help people feel even just a little bit better, which included a lot of former Super Sentai actors. It was thanks to this that Gokaiger ended up as the GOAT that it is, though I'm sure what they originally planned would have still blown Super Megaforce out of the water. xD While I'm sure people would wish other anniversary series were like this... I feel like Gokaiger got away with it because it was only the 35th series, and even then it barely got away with it because there were some tributes they did at the same time. There's just simply too much Sentai now to take the time that Gokaiger did to do that kind of tribute for.

Jordy Osorio

bro please keep posting man